Hillsborough County Complete Streets Guide


Street Typologies

Suburban Town (C3T) The Suburban Town (C3T) context includes areas planned for small “town centers” or concentrations of mixed-use development which are typically surrounded by residential uses. Streets in this context generally fit into one or two typologies, Town Neighborhood and Town Center. Special attention to typology selection should be used in these areas, as land-use cues may not provide guidance in the selection. Community Plans provide the basis for how the street segment will ultimately appear as they contain text, illustrative maps and graphics that paint a picture of the desired outcomes. Table 3-9 provides a summary of characteristics for these typologies. Typology profiles are provided in Figures 3-10 and 3-11. TOWN NEIGHBORHOOD

Town Neighborhood

Streets through these areas will have some driveway access away from intersection functional areas. Plan for slower vehicle speeds, low to moderate vehicle volumes, and higher pedestrian and bicycle volumes. On-street parking and transit facilities should be considered. TOWN CENTER Streets are intended to be majority- commercial districts of a walkable scale and form and should have slower vehicle speeds. Plan for medium vehicle volumes, and higher pedestrian and bicycle volumes. On-street parking and transit facilities are encouraged.

Main Street

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