
ENERGETIC LITERACY Spiritually Strong? Or Stuck?

ing what people say and do. Another easy way to understand objective reality is this: Whatever shows in a YouTube video. Contrasting with that, you also have access to subjective reality , which means how you feel and think, also your thoughts and theories about other people. Of course, subjective reality matters. The big question is, how much? Simply put, here’s your daily choice: Mostly you can pay attention to objective reality , choosing how you’re going to spend your time produc- tively; then following through. Maybe you’ll decide to limit your daily exposure to media news to what, 30-60 minutes? You decide. Even when you #StayHome, you don’t have to feel lonely. Find out how you can reach out to others in objec- tive reality, and then do it. Resourceful living can improve your quality of life. Besides that, as a consequence, you’ll grow extra fast spiritually. Alternatively, it’s all too easy to live stuck in subjective reality . Some find #StayHome the perfect excuse to wallow in subjective theorizing. For instance, they’ll spend hours each day spacing out with self-analysis; perhaps doing way too much meditation or re- ligious practice, which ironically leads to spiritual atrophy, or no progress at all.

• According to some, it’s a terrifying time of “Woe is me,” and “Like a war,” and “I’m so depressed, of course.” • While others are finding that, “I’m growing faster than ever.” Also, “My life is good.” What accounts for that differ- ence? It’s not just the class divide in America, income inequality, and such – topics more properly discussed at a column quite different from mine, written by some Other Columnist. Here, let’s talk free will. Many people don’t actively use that, so they don’t know how much choice they have. Accordingly, they’re falling into the doom-and-gloom reported in the media, or discussed among friends. Have you noticed how misery is the script being circulated in collective consciousness? You could consider it like a default. Like, if you don’t opt-out, you’ll enjoy the best part of “Misery loves company.” (Of course, making that choice, you’ll also be spi- raling into misery .) This happened to my client Gladys, until she had a recent session with me. While we talked, I noticed a dullness that was startlingly new; despair satu- rated her conversation and choices, go- ing all the way down to the level of the chakra databanks in her aura. Exactly


the sort of thing I probe with skills for energetic literacy! So I asked Gladys how she was spending her days, while working from home, and guess what! At least 5 hours a day, Gladys played TV news in the background. “For company.” And for variety, she would stream a Netflix show called “Werewolves.” “For crying out loud, why?” I asked Gladys. “Why would you do this to yourself?” “I don’t know,” she said dully. At least, by the end of our conversa- tion, Gladys understood that she had a choice. [Possible pullout quote.] Why expose herself to a steady me- dia diet of doom and gloom? Rather than living as a victim-in-waiting, Gladys began to use her free will. And like her, Strong You, you have a choice as well. Will you grow and thrive? Or will you doom-&-gloom? This following set of ideas can bring you more clarity about what brings authentic growth during the coronavi- rus pandemic. Objective Reality Versus Subjective Reality. Get the Difference? All your waking hours, you can say yes to life. How? By paying attention to objective reality . That means notic-

It is my hope you’ll find encour- agement in this article, Strong You (Yes, that’s what I’ll be calling you in today’s column), because for one thing I’ll bring you a spiritual perspective on what’s going on with the corona- virus, and for another you’ll receive a simple model for understanding why some people find mask wearing so dif- ficult. Yes, all of this can help you to shed the confusion that’s rife during these dramatic times.But mostly – as you may already have guessed -- I’d like to educate you about what it can mean to come through this era of social distancing beautifully . Yes, you can come through this challenge, not just surviving, but stronger than ever. If my work with energetic literacy has taught me anything lately, it’s how this historic time presents us with a very simple spiritual choice; a choice that each of us can make intelligently. Actually, let’s start there, with choice. The Big Choice Before You Right Now What is that big choice? Depends on whom you talk to these days, doesn’t it?

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