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Fall Quarter 2020 – Tipping Points Begin ...continued from page 17
that are changing the boundaries as you know them. It’s time to see how you can implement the changes you’ve made in life so that you can feel you have more control. On October 13th, Mercury in Scor- pio turns retrograde. It re-enters the sign of Libra in retrograde motion on October 27, 2020. It will remain retro- grade in Libra until November 3, 2020. Usually when Mercury is in Scorpio, you don’t want to say too much. You’d rather listen and observe. And now with Mercury retrograde, you really value your privacy. You don’t believe much of what you hear. You may even feel that conspiracies are abounding. There’s some help today as the Moon and Venus form a con- junction which than forms a sextile to Mercury retrograde. This means that it’s important to listen to your emo- tional needs and also your values. During the time period that Mer- cury retrograde is in Scorpio, you’ll see that a lot of forces are trying to do things under the surface. There are se- crets out there which will cause harm once they are revealed. There are also financial matters which could become a problem. Guard your money well. Keep an eye on your credit and debit cards to make certain that financial information isn’t stolen from you. When the new Moon, with Sun and Moon in Libra, occurs on Octo- ber 16th, some secrets are revealed, especially those that involve military actions. This could even indicate that there is more military action on American soil as unrest continues in various states. In addition, this new Moon forms a square to the Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn conjunction. This in- dicates that new rules and regulations concerning the pandemic are created. On October 27th, Mercury ret- rograde re-enters the sign of Libra. When Mercury retrograde was in the sign of Scorpio, you felt the need to pull back and observe rather than becoming an active participant. Now that Mercury retrograde is re-entering the sign of Libra, you feel that you need to take some action. The best thing to do, since Mercury is retro- grade, is to find a way to balance your need to take care of yourself with your need to be out in the world. Reconnect with some old friends. See if there are any activities that you want to partici- pate in. The second full Moon of the month occurs on October 31st and is called a Hunter’s Moon. In this case, the Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Taurus conjunct Uranus retrograde. There is this sense that you can’t relax. Emo- tionally you feel as if too much infor- mation is coming your way. You want to relax, but you don’t know what to do with all this information. Don’t be at all surprised if some scandal isn’t revealed this close to the election. How people respond to the news will be interesting. It’s also pos- sible that more hacks are attempted as people start to mail in ballots. Or, it’s possible that there are problems with some of the ballots. continued on page 21
Messages to You through "Me”
Eileen Strange
of society. You need to decide what’s important to you and how to incorpo- rate these changes into your life. There are two full Moons during the month of October. The first full Moon occurs on October 1st, 2020 and is called the Harvest Moon. The second full Moon occurs on October 31st, 2020 at the end of the month and is called the Hunter’s Moon. At the time of this first full Moon the Sun is in Libra and the Moon is in Aries. As important as relationships are, you don’t want to lose your indi- viduality to maintain the relationship. It’s very important for you to know where you stand. It’s also important that you don’t let other people take advantage of your and that you get the respect you deserve. During this full Moon you need to evaluate where you stand with others. You want to make certain that you’re getting the respect you deserve. It’s important that you know what you need On October 12th, Jupiter forms a sextile to Neptune retrograde. This is the last time this sextile occurs in this triad sequence. The first time it oc- curred was on February 20, 2020 when both planets were in direct motion. The second time it occurred was on July 27, 2020 when both planets were in retrograde motion. Now Jupiter is direct again. Both Jupiter and Neptune rule the sign of Pisces creating what you might call a symbiotic relationship. They both deal with removing or destroy- ing boundaries, although in different ways. Jupiter, especially in the sign of Capricorn, wants to push the bound- aries of society while still remaining a part of society. Neptune wants to dissolve boundaries in a manner that people start isolating themselves. When the first time this aspect oc- curred, the world was in the midst of the pandemic. Not knowing what to do and not knowing where to place the boundaries to protect people, most of the world started to stay-at-home and began social distancing. The old boundaries were dissolving and new ones were being established in society. By July 2020, when this sextile occurred for the second time, people were beginning to come out of their isolation. They started developing other ways of coping while being a part of society. Face masks became both a fashion statement as well as a political hot button. Social distanc- ing still continued but also, in many instances, quickly forgotten when out in public. Now that this sextile is occurring for the third and final time, you want to look at the structures that you’ve put in place. It’s time to determine if those structures are valid or if they need to be changed. There a real pos- sibility that COVID may be on the rise again and you wonder what to do. Once again you’ll see that there are new and unexpected circumstances
medium medical intuitive
The Soul Shepherd, Eileen Strange, is an international Intuitive Empath, Psychic/Medium and Medical Intuitive honored by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide under Women of Excellence. Working through your eyes, her readings can be done in-person or by sending her a photo via email. — A photo of someone who has passed can be sent in for a Mediumship Reading as long as she can see their eyes. The Soul Shepherd is currently oering individual readings “in person” or “from a distance”. She also oers one-hour Coaching Sessions for Highly Sensitive People and Empaths, Group Readings for up to 6 people at your location, Readings at Events of your choice and “one question” readings. You are able to choose your type of reading — Psychic, Mediumship or Medical Intuitive. CURRENT SERVICES* One-on-One Readings ~ These are two-hour readings for an in-person session. These readings are done looking into your eyes or the eyes of someone you would like me to drop into. If the person is someone who has passed, I would need to see a picture where I can see that person’s eyes. For a distant session, one hour of the session would be for doing automatic writing using pictures forwarded ahead of time and one hour would be on the phone. Clients will have time to ask questions. Price varies based on the type of reading selected and time over two hours. Crystal Bed Healing Sessions ~ 15 minutes of energy work often working on shadowed areas and one hour on the heated crystal bed. This is all tailored to each client and their needs. Empath and Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Coaching Sessions ~ One-hour sessions helping Empaths and HSP journey through the challenges of being an Empath or HSP. This is not a reading but rather a session where I am open to the client driving the session. This can be done in-person or over the phone. Group Readings ~ For Groups of 6 people where I come to them (within a 50-mile radius with no extra charge) and each person gets a reading and will have time to ask questions. This is a 5 hour block of time unless it is arranged to be longer.* *A longer session would incur a extra charge person. (Six people is one at fee and 5 hours). Guest Reader ~ If you are a promoter or have a location where you would like to have a reader or sponsor a workshop, I can work with you or a promoter. Galley Readings In most cases, prices are shown on the website under “oerings” unless it is an individualized oering that we need to discuss. *PLEASE NOTE: Some services will be as dictated by the mandates regulating social distancing. ALL INDIVIDUAL READINGS CAN BE DONE IN-PERSON OR REMOTELY. THROUGH DECEMBER, IF THIS AD IS MENTIONED AT THE TIME OF BOOKING, THE SOUL SHEPHERD IS OFFERING A ONE-HOUR READING OR A CRYSTAL BED SESSION FOR $75 IN PERSON OR REMOTELY. Please check out her website at and call 443-838-9147 or email to schedule an appointment!!!!! This special does not apply to gift certicates unless they are used by December 2020.
FOR APPOINTMENTS: PLEASE CALL 443-838-9147 or email
PATHWAYS—Fall 20—19
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