
HERB CORNER H oLy B asiL ...t He H igHest o F t He H igH P Lants .................................. 9 B y t om W oLFe TO YOUR HEALTH y ouR H eaLtH i n L ate s ummeR : a cuPunctuRe t HeoRy a nd .............. 11 F unctionaL m edicine a PPRoacH B y H eLena a mos MIND • BODY • SPIRIT a ngeR a nd t He F ouR c omPassionate a ctivities .............................. 13 B y P atRicia u LLman ENERGETIC LITERACY s PiRituaLLy s tRong ? o R s tuck ? ......................................................... 15 B y R ose R osetRee ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS F aLL Q uaRteR 2020 – t iPPing P oints B egin ....................................... 17 B y m isty k uceRis YOGA TODAY W Hat s tudents H ave t o s ay a Bout v iRtuaL y oga ......................... 23 B y c Laudia n euman MIND • BODY • SPIRIT m indFuL L iving t HRougH L etting g o /F acing t He B aRRieRs i n y ouR W ay . 29 P aRt t Wo : t He P itFaLL o F F utuRe F eaR B y k atHy v ines MIND • BODY • SPIRIT a FFinity F oR i nFinite d iveRsity ........................................................... 34 B y t RisH H aLL WASHINGTON GARDENER u RBan F oRaging : t He u Ltimate R evenge a gainst W eeds ......................37 B y k atHy J entz MIND • BODY • SPIRIT P Recious m emoRies .............................................................................. 39 B y J oyce a nd B aRRy v isseLL MIND • BODY • SPIRIT H oW t o a ttRact P ositive e neRgy i n an egativeLy c HaRged W oRLd ... 46 • s tReet o F e teRnaL H aPPiness : B ig c ity d Reams a Long a s HangHai R oad ....... 45 • B ee B asics : a n i ntRoduction t o o uR n ative B ees ............................................... 45 • n ative P Lants F oR W iLdLiFe H aBitat & c onseRvation L andscaPing ................. 47 B y s eRina a Ramaki BOOK REVIEWS BY ALYCE ORTUZAR www.PathwaysMagazine.com • www.NaturalLivingExpo.com a n I nvItatIon F rom l ou de S abla & e rIn de S abla , t He p ublISHerS o F p atHwaYS m agazIne Please set aside Sunday, April 18, on your calendar to share our joy at our 51st Natural Living Expo. It is a won- derful opportunity to explore, learn, shop, play, network and have a great time. I have been blessed with the honor of hosting this mind, body, spirit event for all these years and I am constantly amazed at the diverse group of attendees that wander the exhibit halls and workshop rooms with a common look of awe and amazement. Everyone has a sub- lime time. Please check the website to confirm the date, if the conference center isn’t open yet, we will move the date. At only $10, it’s cheaper than most movies. You can visit 150 booths and attend up to 8 workshops of the 56 that are offered, all included in the $10 price of admission. You can learn about alternative medicine; get a massage and other healing services; a psychic, Tarot, shamanic or face reading; or peruse hundreds of unique products.

Y our H ealtH I n l ate S ummer : a cupuncture t HeorY a nd F unctIonal m edIcIne a pproacH B y H eLena a mos • P age 11 We’ve been examining the Five Ele- ment Theory and how it is a guide to how each element corresponds to an internal organ system, and each sys- tem is associated with certain physi- cal and psychological conditions. The late summer is ruled by the Earth ele- ment, which represents the core of the body in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), i.e., the Stomach and Spleen/ Pancreas. It is about digestive vitality and emotional nourishment.

R esouRces F oR c Reative L iving • Fall Calendar ................................... 48 • Classes and Learning Centers....... 58 • Health Services................................ 62 • Metaphysical Sciences.................... 64 • Personal Services ............................ 66 • Psychology and Therapy ............... 66 • Resource Directory ......................... 68 • Online Directory ............................. 74 • Natural Food Stores Guide............ 75 • Advertiser Index ............................ 78 • Network Of Light News ................ 81 Anger is often thought of as a problematic emotion that we should squash. But there is wisdom in anger that can be contacted and unleashed. When anger arises it can send us straight to a mental hell, and the words and actions that arise from that can so easily spread that hell to every- one around us. It can make our world seem dark and small. It traps us in its cycle of hatred and blame. There is little space within anger for aware- ness, insight, or compassion. a ngeR a nd t He F ouR c omPassionate a ctivities B y P atRicia u LLman • P age 13

PATHWAYS—Fall 20—7 PATH AYS Fall–20 7

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