Hays Travel Franchise Opportunities Brochure 2023

We are completely independent, allowing us the freedom to work with the suppliers we choose to - and to offer your customers our expert, impartial advice.

The commercial team works with over 300 suppliers to ensure we have the right mix of product, as well as the best commercial terms. The team communicates daily with suppliers to negotiate excellent commission rates, staff incentives, overrides, and educational trips for staff. Our size and respect within the industry means we have considerable buying power, and the best terms possible.

working with hundreds of suppliers; we have our own tour operation, bed bank, and transfer operation. This allows us to differentiate ourselves from the rest of

the market, negotiate better rates, and to build our own holiday packages for our customers.

As a franchisee you will benefit from all of this; as well as having access to our unique, in-house product. Besides

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