BodyGears_Shoulder elbow wrist pain, where is it coming from


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What is Causing the Pain? Pain may be experienced when a tissue in your body (skin, muscle, bone, ligament, tendon, etc.) sends warning signals to your brain that the current situation (posture or movement) is resulting in a POTENTIALLY (but not necessarily) dangerous amount of stress. Sometimes in the case of acute injury or chronic pain, your tissues get a little more jumpy and hit the red panic button sooner than they normally would. In the case of shoulders, elbows, and wrists, two of the most common pain generators are thought to be impingements and tendon strains.  With impingements,you'llexperiencepain ina tissue thatgetspinchedduring amovement.There'snothingwrongwith the tissue, it'ssimplycryingout for help. You can try soothing the tissue to ease the pain but that won't stop it fromgettingpinchedagain thenext timeyougo togenerate thatmovement. The real cause (and what you want to treat) is usually inefficient movement patterns. Whether the joint isn't sitting 'on axis' or a muscle imbalance is pullingaboneoffcourse,yourphysical therapistcaneasily identifyandhelp you to eliminate the cause of the problem. 

® When it comes to tendon issues, common ones you might have heard of are tenniselbowand texter's thumb.The reason tendonsgetstrained is that they’re forced toact like ligaments (thestructures thatanchorbone tobone). Due to thecontractilepropertiesof themusclescontinuouswith tendons,we want the tendons to work in their optimal axis of motion regardless of how many times you hit the ball or text your friends. This can involve changing uphowyouperformcertain tasksor trainingyou to recruit the rightmuscles at the right time. Why Fix It Now? One of the biggest concerns regarding pain in the shoulder, elbow, and wrist is that it's near impossible to actually allow these parts of the body time to rest.Caring foryourbasicneedswithout theuseofyourarms is impossible, let alone getting through a day at the office.  Pushing through intermittentpain ishowsomanypeopleendupwithchronic shoulder, elbow, and wrist pain. There's also a huge risk of pain in one joint spreading to theother twoas they try tocompensate for theweakest link.Do everyone a favor (including yourself) and come in when you've got an easy to fix little problem in one joint instead of waiting for the trifecta. 



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