Hillsborough Corridor Planning & Preservation Best Practices

• Provide design guidelines for accommodating all modes (automobile, transit, pedestrians, bicycles) within the roadway. • Set requirements for preserving right-of-way (ROW). • Identify roadways for planned expansion or new terrain roadways. • Coordinate modal plans into a single linear network through its GIS database. The Thoroughfare Plan includes the following Indy Moves goals and associated objectives related to the thoroughfare plan: • Goal #1: Balance the transportation needs for mobility and accessibility • Goal #2: Provide for a safe transportation experience for all system users. • Goal #3: Accommodate all transportation modes within the roadway system to the extent feasible. • Goal #4: Balance transportation needs for efficiency and redundancy. Roads in Indianapolis-Marion County are classified by function, context (Compact or Metropolitan), and number of lanes. Additionally, the Thoroughfare Plan provides a means to establish priorities for users of the ROW. The ROW Standards and Design Guidelines Table of the Thoroughfare Plan (Figure 18 and Figure 19) is used as a preliminary tool for determining which roadway elements and users are prioritized for each type of the roadway functional classification and context area.


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