Hillsborough Corridor Planning & Preservation Best Practices

widths. Each thoroughfare on the Street Type Map undergoes an analysis to determine its unique right- of-way needs. The process is depicted in Figure 28.

Figure 28. Fort Worth process for selection of typical roadway cross sections. Source: City of Fort Worth Master Thoroughfare Plan, p. 7.

Four maps are used as inputs for this selection process: the Street Type Map, the Lanes Map, the Bicycle Network Map (from the Fort Worth Active Transportation Plan), and the “Transit Vision: Major Services” map (from Trinity Metro’s Master Plan). Additional inputs include quantitative data about the thoroughfare and special corridor designations such as Roundabout Corridor, Aesthetic Corridor, and Special Residential Section. “Street Types” depicted on the Street Types Map (Figure 29) are determined by evaluating a street’s respective land-use contexts and the various transportation modes needing to use the street. The five Street Types are Activity Streets, Commerce/Mixed-Use Streets, Neighborhood Connectors, Commercial Connectors, and System Links.


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