Hillsborough Corridor Planning & Preservation Best Practices

provide multiple route choices, alternatives to the state highway system and protect the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS). They are also designed to: • Support efficient and cost-effective transit service and provide bicycle and pedestrian connections to key destinations and transit. • To recognize that certain roadway corridors will be congested and that congestion will be addressed by means other than solely adding capacity for motor vehicles and maintaining roadway level of service on those corridors. • To use features of an alternative mobility funding system per 163.3180, F.S. • To provide multimodal cross-access and connectivity within and between uses to encourage walking and cycling and reduce travel distances and impact to collector and arterial roadways. Concurrency is managed in the urban cluster based on adopted multimodal level of service guidelines (Policy 1.1.4, shown below) in the plan with supporting criteria, including an areawide LOS within each Mobility District for all functionally classified roadways. Policy 1.1.5 notes that as the intensity of development to support transit is realized, the County will eventually transition from providing multimodal infrastructure along rapid transit corridors to providing frequent transit service. A twenty- year multimodal transportation capital improvements program provides a schedule for this transition. Policy 1.1.7 establishes the mobility fee through which development must satisfy transportation impact mitigation obligations and requires modes of transportation addressed by the mobility fee to be consistent with and meet the established level of service standards of the modes identified in Policy 1.1.4. Policy 1.1.4 Within the Urban Cluster, the County adopts multi-modal level of service (LOS) guidelines for the following:

Level of Service (LOS)

Standard of Measure



Based on Presence of a pedestrian facility


Based on Presence of a bike lanes / paved shoulders Based on Peak Hour Frequency of 15 minutes or less

Express Transit

Motor Vehicle*

Professionally Accepted Traffic Analysis

*Guideline applies to Collector and Arterial Roads (a) In order to achieve the level of service guideline for pedestrians and bicyclists, the facility shall run the entire length of the roadway segment. A pedestrian facility shall be either a multi- use path on one (1) side of the roadway or sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. A multi- use path along a roadway shall result in a LOS B for bicyclists. The LOS for bicycle and pedestrian travel is the goal for all collector and arterial roadways within the Urban Cluster by 2040, not a standard that is intended to be achieved on an annual basis for each roadway. (b) Express Transit Service shall be provided for a minimum of two (2) hours during both the AM and PM peak periods. The LOS for Express Transit Service shall be a goal achieved within the Urban Cluster on each of the routes shown on the Express Transit Corridors map by 2030. The peak hour frequency for each route shall be a minimum of 30 minutes and may be


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