April 2023 Oracle

The Planning Committee (PC) has completed its prioritization screening for Outdoor Resorts Palm Springs (ORPS) for project proposals identified as RESERVE FUNDS and CAPITAL FUND items for the year 2022 - 2023 and following fiscal year budgets. The following criteria was used in the PC screening process. Is the proposal necessary to maintain functional use of subject facility? Is the proposal required to meet public health and safety conditions? Does the proposal impact/benefit 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% or less owners? Is the proposal an upgrade? Does the proposal require CAPITAL FUNDS? Does the proposal require RESERVE FUNDS? Have the funds been allocated in CAPITAL and RESERVE accounts or is a special assessment required to accommodate this request? Is this project for current, summer time, long range - 2023 - 2024, 2024 - 2025, 2025 - 26. Using these criteria, the top items identified are recommended projects that will require CAPITAL FUNDS. 1. Shade Structure over La Palma (LP) Gathering Area 2. Shade Structures at the La Palma pool * (What is being proposed for the LP Gathering Area and the LP pool is something that was discussed in previous years and it ’ s due for renewed consideration and completion. 3. ATM (a little more research is being done and location sites) Using these criteria, the top items identified are recommended projects that will require RESERVE FUNDS. 1. Card tables in the multi purpose room in El Saguaro (ES)* 2. ES Pool Deck * *Currently obtaining estimated costs The following are project proposals that were discussed by the PC and are projects that are going to be researched over the summer and into the fall. Recommendations may then be put forward by the PC in the fall of 2023. 1. Water Refill Station 2. 2. El Saguaro Sound System (to be evaluated by expert audio people) 3. Indian Land (the notch) inquiry 4. Corn Hole Location 5. North Dog Park (only as needed regarding design) 6. Garbage, Recycle and Pet Relief Area 7. BBQ area at El Saguaro 8. 8. East Room at La Palma - adding entrances/exits An ad hoc sub - committee of the PC has been formed regarding the Restaurant. Any and all topics will be on the table. Chris Mayou will be the chair of this group. The PC of 2023 - 2024 will be working with them. The PC also toured and inspected all Satellites in early March of 23. We made up our own inspection list and added items the General Manager (GM) asked us to look for. This task was completed and a list was given to the GM and the BoD. This task used to happen in past years on a yearly basis. Hopefully this process will continue and one Satellite a year can be identified for “ major ” improvements as necessary. It has been my pleasure to have served as chair of this committee. During the COVID years we didn ’ t have a lot on our plate but it feels like I ’ m going out with a bang. The chair of any committee is only successful if they have great committee members. My thanks to, Debbie Smith, Bob Livingston, Sheryl Nelson, Mike Schaefer, Raymond Sterbens Jr., Chris Mayou and Ralph Joiner. Respectfully, Mike Curley | Planning Committee Chair

Test your music IQ

1. Jumping Flea _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. That instrument ’ s abbreviation _ _ _ 3. Arrived in Hawaii in 1879 from this country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Saves your fingers _ _ _ _ 5. ORPS #1 fun music group _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. Number of strings _ _ _ _ 7. Thursday night Palm Springs tradition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. Uke player who tiptoed through tulips _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. President who played the uke _ _ _ _ _

10. Sets the beat for the band _ _ _ _ 11. One way to play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. Luthiers use this expensive wood _ _ _ 13. Back up instruments _ _ _ _ _ _

14. One musical genre they strum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15. Rocky Horror Picture Show song _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16. Sheet music notes _ _ _ _ _ _ 17. Person who performs music on the street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18. Smallest ukulele _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19. Music played in 3/4 time _ _ _ _ _ 20. Musicians rest their music there _ _ _ _ _ _ For more ukulele information and to join next season contact Marilyn at marilyn.sabens@gmail.com



APRIL 2023

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