
Two local BMX riders participate in tournament $0..6/"65 r  $0..6/ * 5:

communautaire Le lien community link The Chili supper !e St. Columban Parish is organi- zing a Chili supper on October 25 at the Agora Centre (Old Nativity Hall), from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.. Tickets are available at the door. Cours de RCR gratuit Les Services médicaux d’urgence de Cornwall SD&G ont conclu un par- tenariat avec la Fondation des mala- dies du cœur et de l’AVC pour o#rir des cours gratuits de RCR de niveau A pour adultes. Les cours gratuits se tiendront tous les mois au poste central des SMU, 601, rue Campbell, de 18 h à 20 h. Les résidents qui souhaitent suivre le cours peuvent s’inscrire en appelant la Fonda- tion des maladies du cœur et de l’AVC au 613-938-8933. Souper spaghetti Les Chevaliers de Colomb organisent leur sixième souper spaghetti annuel le 25 octobre prochain, à la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb, 205, rue Amelia, de 16 h à 19 h. Le repas inclut un sou- per avec une salade et un dessert. Les billets sont en vente soit à la porte ou à la Banque Scotia. Les fonds amassés seront remis au Children’s Treatment Center. Wine and Gourmet tasting !e United Way of SD&G is hosting its annual Wine and Gourmet Tastings at the Nav Centre onNovember 21, from 6:30 p.m. to midnight. To reserve a tic- ket, call 613-936-5800. Church sale !e Knox-St. Paul United Church is hosting a rummage sale on October 22 at their church, 800 Twelfth Street East, from9 a.m. to noon. Clothes, books and household items will be available. Smart City Toastmasters Club !e Smart City Toastmasters Club provides the opportunity to learn communication skills and practical leadership experience. Meetings are on the "rst and third Wednesdays of eachmonth at the St. Lawrence College- Cornwall Campus River Room #3150 Italian Bistro Night !e Blessed Sacrament Parish is organizing an Italian Bistro Night. A bilingual Italian mass will be followed by an Italian bistro dinner. !e event is sponsored by the Italian community. For more information or for tickets, call 613-938-2993.


Two young BMX riders represented Cor- nwall in Milton last month. Over 220 racers from all across the prov- ince gathered near Toronto to compete in the BMX Canada Provincial Championship held at theMilton BMX racing track. People of all ages braved the cold and rainy condi- tions for a chance to earn a coveted Ontario championship trophy and number plate. Over 220 racers from all across the province gathered near Toronto to compete in the BMX Canada Provincial Championship held at the Milton BMX racing track. Cornwall’s own Sam “!e Skunk” Drouin and his younger sister “Sweet” Sophie Dr- ouin quali"ed to compete based on their performances at provincial qualifying events held in Ottawa, Nepean, Gananoque and Kingston, earlier this summer. Balance bike rider and crowd favourite Sophie Drouin faced o# against some seri- ous competitors in the 3-year old balance bike class. She did well in her two pre-races, then using what she calls her “racing speed superpowers”, was second to cross the "nish line in the main event earning her a trophy almost as tall as she is. Meanwhile, her older brother SamDrouin also had a strong showing by qualifying for themain event in the 9-year old expert class. Despite a crash after colliding with Deacon Haydar, fromCampbellville, Ontario, early in themain, Drouin crossed the "nish line third

behind Cruz Sarich, also from Campbell- ville, who "nished "rst overall, and Andrew Colling fromKingston who crossed second. !e "nish was enough to earn Drouin the third place trophy for the race and a fourth place provincial ranking overall. Haydar came in fourth in the race and "nished third overall and Samuel Kolbasenko fromMilton did not qualify. Both Sam and Sophie race for the Corn- wall BMX Club and are sponsored by Team Unique Racing/Hyper Body Armour. Sam “!e Skunk” Drouin (#31) comes in for a landing after getting some air in the last straight in Milton.

Sam «!e Skunk» Drouin giving his little sister «Sweet» Sophie Drouin some advice on how to handle the bigger jumps.

Live concert to offer rhythm

Il faut protéger les bébés à naître: opinion

!e Upper Canada Playhouse is wel- coming a new live concert, Midnight Hour-Memories of Rhythm and Blues, to its roster from October 27 through November 8. Co-created by Chris McHarge and Colin Stewart, the show features voca- lists Shane Phillips, GavinHope, Michelle Truman and Nicole Poynter with Stewart on bass, Don Reid on drums, Mike Ray on guitar, DeanHarrison on piano and Brian Asselin on sax. Stewart and McHarge have brought past musical hits to !e Playhouse including Blue Suede Shoes, Vegas Knights, Johnny and June, Memo- ries of!e Season of Love andMemories of Rock ‘n Roll. !e company will perform the hits of such legendary artists as Jerry Lee Lewis, Ray Charles, Gladys Knight, Aretha Fran- klin, James Brown, Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett,!e Righteous Brothers andmore. Audience members are advised to book now by contacting!e Playhouse at 613- 543-3713, 1-877-550-3650 or uppercana-

Le Département de Santé annonçait récemment qu’une nouvelle pilule o"rira une merveilleuse solution aux femmes qui désirent avorter. Vraiment? N’est-ce pas déjà su%sant que l’avortement soit maintenant légal dans notre pays, durant les 9 mois de grossesse, et que les frais soient assumés par notre ministère de la Santé? Toute femme qui prend cette drogue abortive, appelée RU486 ou Mifepristone, doit rendre visite à unmédecin à deux reprises, puis prendre deux pilules entre ces deux visites, après quoi la mère doit accoucher à la maison d’un petit bébé mort, probablement noyé en tirant la chasse d’eau de la toilette. J’ai peine à imaginer jusqu’à quel point un tel processus serait di%cile pour toute femme. Certaines personnes semblent croire qu’il ne s’agit là que d’un amas de cellules ou de tissus, mais dans son for intérieur, toute femme sait que son corps commence à changer et, dans le cas d’une grossesse désirée, la mère appelle ces « cellules » son bébé, dès les premiers signes de gestation. Toute cette philosophie préconisant l’option de se débarrasser d’enfants non-désirés au lieu de les protéger est sans dessus-dessous. Ensuite elle continue avec l’euthanasie, c’est-à-dire qu’elle préconise de nous débarrasser des vieillards encombrants au lieu de leur o#rir de meilleurs soins. On nous répète ad nauseamqu’il faut protéger l’environnement mais non pas les petits bébés à naître. Jusqu’où nous conduira cette philosophie meurtrière?

Marilyn Bergeron Cornwall

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