rennie group policy manual

or detrimental to the seller’s interest in a transaction; 2) to timely disclose to the seller any conflicts of interest; 3) to advise the seller to seek expert advice on matters beyond the agent’s expertise; 4) not to disclose any confidential information from or about the seller; and 5) to make a good faith and continuous effort to find a buyer for the property, subject to the limitations set forth in RCW 18.85.040. The showing of properties not owned by the seller to prospective buyers or the listing of competing properties for sale by a seller’s agent does not in and of itself breach the duty of loyalty to the seller or create a conflict of interest. The representation of more than one seller by different Licensees affiliated with the same Firm in competing transactions involving the same buyer does not in and of itself breach the duty of loyalty to the sellers or create a conflict of interest. Listing/Representation Agreements Licensees may take listings only when approved by Firm in advance and in the name of Firm and on the standard forms or other forms approved by Firm. Licensees may not vary, or promise to vary, the terms of such form without prior approval of Firm. Licensees shall make certain all owners, including spouses, sign the listing. The Licensee should allow ample time for the owners to read and discuss privately the terms of the listing agreement. The Licensee shall explain the terms of the listing agreement to the owners’ satisfaction and leave a copy of the signed agreement with the owners. It is Firm’s policy to cooperate with other real estate professionals to the extent allowed by the client. Unless otherwise instructed by the client, all opportunities shall be made available to other Firms, including buyer Firms, on a cooperative basis. Firm shall have sole authority to establish the terms of any offer of cooperation consistent with the client’s instructions. Licensees shall bring to Firm’s immediate attention any offer or request by another Firm or agent to “colist” an opportunity. Licensees shall not enter into, nor encourage, “colisting” arrangements without the express authorization of Firm. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Licensees shall determine at the time of listing whether the property contains a residential component that was constructed before 1978. If a property with residential space was constructed before 1978 and is being sold, the listing agent shall make sure the seller completes a lead-based paint disclosure using the standard form. Such disclosure shall be signed by the seller and provided to each buyer for their signature at the earliest possible time. The disclosure shall be made part of any sale agreement concerning the property. Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement (Forms 17) Licensees shall explain to sellers the sellers’ duties with respect to property disclosure statements for non-excluded residential property as set out in RCW 64.06. Unless excluded under RCW 64.06, or it is agreed that buyers will be asked to waive the right to receive the applicable Form 17, each seller shall agree to deliver to each buyer who


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