rennie group policy manual

rennie will not discriminate against Licensees, or other office personnel, in any manner inconsistent with state, federal or local law. All Licensees shall report immediately to rennie any violation of this nondiscrimination policy. Sexual and Discriminatory Harassment rennie has a policy of prohibiting all types of discriminatory harassment, including sexual harassment, and harassment based on age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin or other legally protected status. All Licensees are responsible for ensuring that their conduct when acting within the scope of their employment or pursuant to an ICA is free from discriminatory harassment. All Licensees must avoid any action or conduct, which could be viewed as discriminatory harassment. No Licensee against whom a charge of harassment has been made shall in any manner seek reprisal against the person making the charge. No Licensee shall be subjected to retaliation because of having complained of discriminatory or sexual harassment. ● Prohibited harassment can include verbal or physical conduct that shows overt or subtle hostility toward an individual based on that individual’s protected class membership. ● Prohibited harassment can include derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, innuendoes, cartoons, physical harassment, pranks or exclusion based on an individual’s protected class membership. ● Prohibited harassment also includes negative actions toward an individual based on that individual’s participation in activities with members of a protected class group. Sexual harassment is a form of prohibited harassment that occurs when the types of verbal and physical conduct described above are sexual in nature or directed at a person because of gender. Sexual Harassment can include but is not necessarily limited to: ● Vulgar or sexual comments, jokes, stories and innuendo. ● Sexually oriented “kidding” or “teasing.” ● Graphic or suggestive comments about someone’s body or manner of dress. ● Gossip or questions about someone’s sexual conduct or orientation. ● Vulgarity, leering, inappropriate touching and obscene or suggestive gestures.


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