the committee, the organization for which the committee works, and a brief description (1-2 lines) of the duties of the committee. Letters of recommendation - At least three letters of recommendation from faculty who are in a position to judge the quality of the candidate’s activities are required. Please note that the required number of recommendation letters may vary based upon individual departmental criteria. A detailed letter of appointment is required after the rank is approved. B. Reappointment, Promotion, and/or Tenure Review The review sequence for reappointment, promotion, or tenure is as follows: The department ARPT Committee, the department director (or other academic unit head), and the college ARPT Committee independently advise the Dean of a desired action and provide pertinent information about the candidate's qualifications for reappointment. For reappointment, tenure and promotion requests, the Dean considers the candidate's qualifications and makes their own independent recommendation to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. For promotions and/or tenure recommendations, the Provost evaluates the dossier and the qualifications of the individual and makes recommendations through the President to the Board of Trustees. For all other requests, the Provost decision is final. All reviewers must follow the criteria established or adopted by the department regarding appointment, reappointment, promotion, and/or tenure, and consider the documented qualifications contained within a dossier of a candidate seeking one of the above actions within that department. Although the same information is considered at each level of the review process and recommendations from preceding levels of review are evaluated, recommendations are made independently at each level of review. Recommendations at one level may be different from preceding or subsequent recommendations. The following materials to be uploaded and routed in the electronic RPT system include: 1. Department Director’s recommendation letter. 2. Department ARPT Committee Chair’s recommendationletter. 3. Current curriculum vitae of faculty candidate: A suggested format may be accessed at the Faculty Affairs website. The listingof authors on publications in the bibliography must be in the order in which they were published in the journal. The titles of the publications and their inclusive paging within the journal must be listed. Abstracts and books must be listed separately from full papers. The curriculum vitae must list funding agency, the name of the principal investigator(s), the title of the project, level of funding, and project period for all sponsored research.


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