Examples of demonstated excellence for appointment or promotion to the rank of Professor include:
1. Consistent record as an established investigator with a sustained research program recognized both nationally andinternationally. 2. Publication of high quality research in top peer-reviewed journals. Faculty candidates for appointment or promotion to the rank of Professor should have significant publications that make important contributions to their field of study. 3. Leadership roles within the department and college as well as recognition as a national resource in his/her discipline or area of expertise. 4. Service and/or leadership on national committees, scientific societies, governing board or editorial boards and peer-review study sections. For promotion to Professor, leadership roles for some of these activities isexpected. 5. Achievements in mentoring are evidenced by obtaining federal funding for mentorship, by serving as mentor on others' mentored research grants, by receiving local or national mentorship awards, or by teaching workshops on mentorship, or as evidence by the success of former trainees whom the candidate has mentored. 6. Continued teaching excellence as demonstrated evaluation and/or by student- directed teaching awards. REAPPOINTMENT Reappointment at the same rank in the tenure track (prior to earning tenure) depends upon satisfactory performance and progressive development of expertise in the areas of research, teaching/mentoring, and service. Generally, the candidate's activities and accomplishments while at the University of Cincinnati are of paramount importance for consideration for reappointment. PROMOTION Promotion to a higher academic rank requires fulfillment of criteria for that rank and the demonstration of continuing professional development in all areas. TENURE For tenure to be granted, there must be clear evidence of outstanding, independent scholarship. The faculty member should have made significant and novel contributions to his/her chosen field of research. The general criteria used in granting tenure include an integral contribution to the mission of the institution, accomplishments in those areas indicated in the preceding sections and the clear expectation that the applicant will
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