Industrial Grey PVC-U Pipe And Fittings Flow
Magmeter (Blind or Display) Type 2551 - Order guide
` Please select sensor if transmitter and display is required.
Sensor Magmeter Type 2551
` Standard Sensor Material: PP , Alternative White PVDF Sensor available, please replace CODE letter P with V
No Display
Frequency Output (use with 9900 Transmitter) Frequency Output (use with 9900 Transmitter)
1/2’’ to 4’’
3-2551-P0-11 159 001 105 3-2551-P1-11 159 001 106 3-2551-P0-12 159 001 110
5” to 8”
4 to 20mA Output
1/2’’ to 4’’
4 to 20mA Output
5” to 8”
3-2551-P1-12 159 001 111
With Display, two SPDT relays, one solid state relay
Frequency Output (use with 9900 Transmitter)
1/2’’ to 4’’
3-2551-P0-21 159 001 267
Frequency Output (use with 9900 Transmitter)
5” to 8”
3-2551-P1-21 159 001 268
4 to 20mA Output
1/2’’ to 4’’
3-2551-P0-22 159 001 273
4 to 20mA Output
5” to 8”
3-2551-P1-22 159 001 274
With Display
Frequency Output (use with 9900 Transmitter)
1/2’’ to 4’’
3-2551-P0-41 159 001 261
Frequency Output (use with 9900 Transmitter)
5” to 8”
3-2551-P1-41 159 001 262
4 to 20mA Output
1/2’’ to 4’’
3-2551-P0-42 159 001 279
4 to 20mA Output
5” to 8”
3-2551-P1-42 159 001 280
` Transmitter is required if using Frequency Output Sensor, select unit based on installation preference.
Transmitter Field Mount
Field Mount ( Pipe, Tank, Wall)
Transmitter Type 9900
Mounting Kit (Required)
Transmitter Panel Mount
Panel Mount
1300 PIPING (1300 747 464) PAAS Source Book 189
V 5.1
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