
Portaflow Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Portaflow Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Specifications ` Type 330/220 ` 0.1 m/s - 20 m/s ` d13-d2000 ` Battery Powered, AC 110-240V ` Output: 0/4 to 20 mA, RS 232, USB, pulse ` Data logger (Type 330) ` Transit time measurement Applications ` Calibration of measurement systems ` Balancing systems ` Fire system testing ` Ultra-pure water measurement ` Condensate measurement ` Pump verification ` Filter sizing ` Leak Detection ` HVAC and energy system audits

Overview: Portaflow Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Easy set-up and installation – perfectly tailored and pre-set for Georg Fischer Piping Systems.

Transit time ultrasonic flow meter: a non-invasive way of measuring.

The Ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter range brings simplicity to the non-invasive measurement of liquid flow. It offers the user quick and accurate flow measurement with its easy to follow menu and simple set up. Results can be achieved within minutes of opening the case. Compact, rugged and reliable, the range has been designed to provide sustained performance in industrial environments.

Order Guide:



Portable Clamp on Ultrasonic Flow meter in case

Suit Pipe OD 50mm - 1000mm

PF220B 159 300 003

Suit Pipe OD 13mm - 2000mm / With Data Logger

PF330 159 300 001

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