` Float in PVDF / ` EPDM O-Rings ` Accuracy Class 4 Variable Area Flow Meter Type 335 Measurement DN(mm)
No Magnet
Magnet for use with Limit Switches
Scale l/h
PVC-U Polyamid Polysulfone
PVC-U Polyamid Polysulfone
50 - 500
25 199 335 000 199 335 020 199 335 040
199 335 100 199 335 120 199 335 140
100 - 1000
25 199 335 001 199 335 021 199 335 041
199 335 101 199 335 121 199 335 141
150 - 1500
32 199 335 002 199 335 022 199 335 042
199 335 102 199 335 122 199 335 142
250 - 2500
32 199 335 003 199 335 023 199 335 043
199 335 103 199 335 123 199 335 143
200 - 2000
40 199 335 004 199 335 024 199 335 044
199 335 104 199 335 124 199 335 144
300 - 3000
40 199 335 005 199 335 025 199 335 045
199 335 105 199 335 125 199 335 145
600 - 6000
40 199 335 006 199 335 026 199 335 046
199 335 106 199 335 126 199 335 146
600 - 6000
50 199 335 007 199 335 027 199 335 047
199 335 107 199 335 127 199 335 147
1,000 - 10,000
50 199 335 008 199 335 028 199 335 048
199 335 108 199 335 128 199 335 148
1,500 - 15,000
50 199 335 009 199 335 029 199 335 049
199 335 109 199 335 129 199 335 149
2,000 - 20,000
65 199 335 010 199 335 030 199 335 050
199 335 110 199 335 130 199 335 150
3,000 - 30,000
65 199 335 011 199 335 031 199 335 051
199 335 111 199 335 131 199 335 151
8,000 - 60,000
65 199 335 012 199 335 032 199 335 052
199 335 112 199 335 132 199 335 152
Alternative Scales to suit Type 335
` Code for scale only - still need to order Variable Area Flow Meter Unit ` Scales for water l/h and m3/h available on request
Compatible Scale Size to Suit Type 335 V/A Flow meter
Air/0bar/Nm3/h Air
HCL 30 - 33% l/h Hydrochloric Acid
NaOH 30% l/h Caustic Soda
NaOH 50% l/h Caustic Soda
Scale l/h DN(mm)
50 - 500
25 1.5 - 14 198 350 655
20 - 405 198 350 670
4 - 226 198 350 685
1 - 55 198 350 755
100 - 1000
25 2.5 - 29
198 350 656
55 - 866 198 350 671
15 - 600 198 350 686
3 - 192 198 350 756
150 - 1500
4 - 45 198 350 657
90 - 1,340 198 350 672
30 - 970 198 350 687
6 - 365 198 350 757
250 - 2500
7 - 79 198 350 658 165 - 2,310 198 350 673
70 - 1,800 198 350 688
15 - 770 198 350 758
200 - 2000
6 - 58 198 350 659 115 - 1,660 198 350 674
35 - 1,240 198 350 689
8 - 520 198 350 759
300 - 3000
9 - 108 198 350 660 190 - 3,050 198 350 675
75 - 2,370 198 350 690
15 - 1,170 198 350 760
600 - 6000
40 17 - 174 198 350 661 420 - 4,900 198 350 676 230 - 4,000 198 350 691
50 - 2,270 198 350 761
600 - 6000
50 17 - 175 198 350 662 430 - 5,090 198 350 677 240 - 4,700 198 350 692
55 - 2,300 198 350 762
1,000 - 10,000
50 29 - 301 198 350 663 750 - 9,460
198 350 678 475 - 7,340 198 350 693 140 - 4,340 198 350 763
1,500 - 15,000
50 53 - 405 198 350 664 1,415 - 11,570 198 350 679 1,030 - 10,330 198 350 694 420 - 5,820 198 350 764
2,000 - 20,000
65 55 - 545
198 350 665 1,500 - 17,300 198 350 680 915 - 11,720 198 350 698 245 - 7,590 198 350 768
3,000 - 30,000
65 80 - 758 198 350 666 2,175 - 24,120 198 350 681 1,195 - 16,040 198 350 696 400 - 11,120 198 350 766
8,000 - 60,000
65 140 - 840 198 350 667 5,000 - 58,000 198 350 682
198 350 697 1,700 - 13,000 198 350 767
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