` Float in PVDF / ` EPDM O-Rings Variable Area Flow Meter - Short Version
Measurement DN (mm)
No Magnet
Magnet for use with Limit Switches
Scale l/h
2,5 - 25
10 198 803 310 10 198 803 311 10 198 803 312 15 198 803 313 15 198 803 314 15 198 803 315 25 198 803 316 25 198 803 317 25 198 803 318 25 198 803 319
198 801 880 198 801 881 198 801 882 198 801 883 198 801 884 198 801 885 198 801 886 198 801 887 198 801 888 198 801 889
198 803 320 198 803 321 198 803 322 198 803 323 198 803 324 198 803 325 198 803 326 198 803 327 198 803 328 198 803 329
198 801 890 198 801 891 198 801 892 198 801 893 198 801 894 198 801 895 198 801 896 198 801 897 198 801 898 198 801 899
5 - 50
10 - 100
8 - 80
15 -150
20 - 200 15 - 150 30 - 300
50 - 500
100 - 1000
Alternative Scales to suit Short Version
` Code for scale only - still need to order Variable Area Flow Meter Unit ` Scales for water l/h and m3/h available on request
Compatible Scale Size to Suit Type 335 V/A Flow meter
HCL 30 - 33% l/h Hydrochloric Acid
NaOH 30% l/h Caustic Soda
NaOH 50% l/h Caustic Soda
Scale l/h DN(mm)
2,5 - 25
0.5 - 0.95
2.5 - 20
0.2 - 5
198 801 308 198 801 309 198 801 310 198 801 311 198 801 312 198 801 313 198 801 314 198 801 315 198 801 316 198 801 317
198 806 511 198 806 512 198 806 513 198 806 514 198 806 515 198 806 516 198 806 517 198 806 518 198 806 519 198 806 520
198 806 521 198 806 522 198 806 523 198 806 524 198 806 525 198 806 526 198 806 527 198 806 528 198 806 529 198 806 530
5 - 50
10 10 15 15 15 25 25 25 25
0.5 - 1.9 0.8 - 3.0 0.6 - 2.8 1.4 - 5.6 1.5 - 7.0 1.0 - 6.5 1.5 - 11.0 3.0 - 18.0 6.0 - 30.0
5 - 40
1 - 14 3 - 35 2 - 23 3 - 55 5 - 80 3 - 55
10 - 100
10 - 85
8 - 80
8 - 70
0.2 - 3.5
198 806 531
15 -150
15 - 125 20 - 170
0.5 - 10 0.5 - 16 0.5 - 11
198 806 532 198 806 533 198 806 534 198 806 535 198 806 536 198 806 537
20 - 200 15 - 150 30 - 300
5 - 125
30 - 260
6 - 130
1 - 33
50 - 500
50 - 425
10 - 250 40 - 590
2 - 80
100 - 1000
100 - 850
10 - 220
Limit Switch Contact - Min/Max
` Bistable Switch ` Only for use with Magnet version of Variable Area Flow meter ` MIN Switch: When liquid flow drops below set point, switch closes ` MAX Switch: When liquid flow rise above the set point, switch closes
` (min) 198 335 998 ` (max) 198 335 999
1300 PIPING (1300 747 464) PAAS Source Book 205
V 5.1
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