Dosing - Chemical Injection

Withdrawable Injection Lances

Withdrawable Injection Lances (corporation stops) are designed to ensure that chemical feed systems inject into the center of a process stream for better mixing and to prevent corrosion along the process pipe.

They are also retractable and offer a ball valve to seal the process stream for ser- vicing (when the process cannot be drained). The integral check valve prevents the process fluid from going back up the chemical line.

With limited seals and joints, this leak-free design is a sure fit for safety and long- life operation. Robust construction ensures reliability in the rigorous service of municipal and industrial applications

` Injection Lance ( Withdrawable)

Withdrawable Injection Lance (Safety Chain)

` Non Return Valve incorporated ` Standard Length 400mm ` PVC


Inlet Connection (A)

Lance size Lance Length Process connection (B)

Part Number

Seal Selection

4/6, 6/9, 6/12, 9/12 12 mm

120 mm 1/2’’ BSP-M

9570 9571 EPDM/PTFE Lined

DN15 (1/2’’) 1/2”

400 mm 1’’ BSP-M


EPDM / Viton

DN20 (3/4’’) 3/4”

400 mm 1-1/4’’ BSP-M


EPDM / Viton

DN25 (1”) 1”

400 mm 1-1/2” BSP-M


EPDM / Viton

DN32 (1-1/4”) 1-1/4”

400 mm 2” BSP-M


EPDM / Viton


Statiflo Withdrawable Injection Lance (Screw out operation) - withdrawable under mains pressure!

` Withdrawable under mains pressure ` Available in a wide range of sizes & materials ` New XHP lance has a screw-out operation for maximum safe, eliminating the need for a safety chain ` Aids in re-installing under pressure

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