Industrial Grey PVC-U Pipe And Fittings Solvent Cementing & Tools
Solvent Cementing - WELD-ON
1. Measure Pipe Required Assemble materials for the job (primer, cement, applicator, gloves, tape measure/ruler)
Measure the pipe required for the solvent joint.
2. Cut the Pipe Pipe must be cut as square as possible.
If the pipe is cut diagonally it reduces the bonding area in the most effective and critical part of the joint.
3. Chamfer Pipe Chamfering allows the pipe to fit the full length of the socket without removing the cement.
A chamfering tool places a 10 - 15 deg bevel at the end of the pipe approx. 2.5mm in depth which prevents unwanted removal of the cement during insertion.
4. Debur the Inside of the Pipe Remove inside diameter burrs or raised beads with an internal deburring tool or knife
5. Measure & Mark Insertion Depth Marking the pipe enables as visual check during cementing to insure the fitting has been fully inserted. Measure the fitting socket length and mark this distance on the pipe OD. Add a couple inches to this distance and make a second check mark on the pipe, as the primer and cement will remove the first mark. 6. Dry Fit Check Check pipe and fittings for dry fit before cementing. For proper interference fit, fitting should go over end of pipe easily but become tight about a 1/3 to 2/3 of the way on. Too tight a fit is not desirable.
If the fitting falls off the end of the pipe, do not start assembly. Contact your supplier to check tolerance.
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