Industrial Grey PVC-U Pipe And Fittings Machines & Tools - Socket Fusion
Machines & Tools - Socket Fusion
Socket Fusion Principles In this form of fusion jointing, which requires heating tools, the pipe end is inserted into the socket of the fitting; no additional material is used. The pipe end and the socket are heated to fusion temperature using a heating bush and a heating spigot, respectively, and are then pushed together.
Socket fusion Preparation:
` Right angle cutting of pipe ` Peel and bevel using proper tool to ensure, calibration of the pipe end, removal of oxidation layer, indication of fusion depth
Socket Fusion Process Overview: ` Press fitting and pipe on spigot and bush ` Push firmly and without twisting ` Observe penetration depth ` Remove fitting and pipe carefully ` Push fitting and pipe quickly together without twisting ` Align and hold as long as the recommended cooling time lasts ` Do not pressure test until 1 hour after fusion
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