MADD Teen Influencer Newsletter: March 2023

Newsletter MADD Teen Influencer March 2023: Women's History Month

A Young Man's Perspective on Women's History Month

Teen Influencer of

How Women Have

the Month

Empowered MADD

Spotlight on Teen Influencer Jose from Inland Empire! Would you like to nominate a Teen Influencer of the Month? Read to learn more!

Learn Kelly's take on how women's perspectives and efforts have shaped MADD and the fight to end drunk driving today. 1 By Kelly Halliburton, Newsletter Chair How does Ben view this special time of the year in accordance with women?

How Women Have Empowered MADD

There’s no doubt that women have made remarkable contributions to scientific and service fields. Without women, many dearly loved organizations and inventions would not exist. Mothers Against Drunk Driving honors International Women’s History Month in remembrance of our founder: Candace Lightner. As an action-taker, Lightner honored her daughter by advocating for change. During the 1980s, the time of MADD’s founding, drinking and driving was especially popular.

Citizens lacked awareness of the dangers of unhealthy trends. Ultimately, this resulted in not only arrests but the deaths of those who did not make these poor choices. Crashes are not always accidents. Often, they are choices. One mother’s voice raised thousands. Through press conferences and community events, MADD’s mission quickly gained support and popularity. Courageous women shared their stories. Victims were to be heard and respected. Lightner left behind a bold legacy: one that has saved over 350,000 lives nationwide.

MADD Teen Influencer

March 2023

How does Lightner’s impact carry over today? MADD is the heart of drunk driving services. Mothers and daughters continue to spread our word. Many females have shared their experiences with victims, donated money, and reached all fifty states of America. Lightner teaches America that women have

the power to make a difference in a male-dominated society. Her heart-touching story fuels our desire to prevent 100% avoidable deaths while remembering our fallen. Female volunteers, staff, and mothers will always be united by a common need: safety.

The natural sense to protect our youth runs deeps in parents. Lightner was not only the mother of a beautiful girl, but the mother of our mission. The powerful sense of belonging MADD brings has led us to serve nearly a million victims. There is nothing that love and hard work cannot conquer. How You Can Celebrate With MADD To celebrate International Women’s History Month, support the legacy of MADD through donations and victim panels. We lift the voices of people from every gender and identity, including America’s male counterparts. All are welcome to join the fight against drunk driving alongside mothers! The change begins with you. This exciting month features several opportunities to support women. Two popular activities include sending letters to female survivors and contacting MADD personnel. To show support for the cause, wear MADD merchandise and advocate in your local community. Not only will this inspire young women but also gives this family our voice. Our cause. Our purpose.

Ask A Teen Influencer Looking for some advice? Each month our MADD Teen Influencers will offer helpful tips based on questions submitted by other teens. You can submit questions anonymously with the link below or by clicking on the icon to the left. TINYURL.COM/MADDTEENADVICE

MADD Teen Influencer

March 2023

2 A Young Man's Perspective on Women's History Month By Ben Haworth, MADD Teen Influencer

Women’s History Month was founded to honor and commemorate the vital impact women have made on the United States in a range of fields. In 1981, the United States. Congress announced “Women’s History Week” every March, and extended the commemoration to all of March in 1987 to celebrate the role of women in our country.

As a young man who has been raised by strong women, I feel it is important to endorse the commitment to advancing rights and opportunities for women and girls, not only in our country but also around the world. However, in my high school, we rarely discuss famous women in history, unless it is about common topics like the right to vote. If we are to study women's history, there are many more topics, viewpoints, and achievements that require examination across history, literature, and the arts to more fully value and recognize what encompasses women's history in the U.S. General history lessons already exaggerate men’s achievements in our male-dominated society. Throughout the year and especially during Women’s History Month, I feel we need to teach that gender shouldn’t be a reason to stop someone from exploring or contributing to a field of study. Alongside young women, young men also need to learn the language of equivalence and gain a larger view of history. Women’s contributions have changed our society and continue to impact us all. We need to see the value in teaching that gender does matter in our society and, at the same time, doesn’t matter. Personally, I will take this month to honor Women’s History Month by watching a documentary about women’s rights or listening to Ted Talks by prominent female leaders. One talk in particular that began a universal discussion about women's rights is the Ted Talk, “We Should All be Feminists” given by the

MADD Teen Influencer

March 2023

author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. During this talk, Adichie invites us to think about what could be a different world for both men and women. Beyoncé even sampled her TedX message in her

“Flawless”. Regardless of how you celebrate this month, it is essential to show all students that gender can offer a unique viewpoint that should be documented and celebrated.

MADD Teen Influencers in Action!

MADD Teen Influencer Danielle joined the ATTIC Teen Center for their annual event organized by their youth council to educate students on the dangers of drunk driving and drinking underage. Danielle hosted MADD's resource booth and shared about her experience as Teen Influencer. Click the photo below to see her interviews with fellow students about their healthy coping mechanisms!

MADD Teen Influencer

March 2023


Teen Influencer of the Month

Jose de Jesus Sebastian, MADD Teen Influencer Teen Influencer of the Month for March 2023 is Jose from the Inland Empire! Jose joined the MADD Teen Influencer Group as part of an internship for his school. He volunteered to be the host for a webinar led by our Executive Director, Pat Rillera, with no prior training. Not only did he impress everyone with his confidence while hosting, but he showed his sense of humor and kept the audience engaged. Jose is always willing to step up to the plate and handle business.

Nominate an Influencer of the Month! Do you know an influential teen who is a great role model? We would love to spotlight them! Click on the icon to the left or use the link below to share why they should be MADD's Influencer of the Month!


MADD's mission is to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes, and prevent underage drinking. The purpose of the Teen Influencer Group is to provide leadership development for teens by training them to be peer-to-peer educators. These teens provide MADD with the youth perspective and use their voice to educate the public. By reducing and then eliminating underage drinking, these teens will help MADD end drunk driving.


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