MADD Teen Influencer Newsletter: March 2023

MADD Teen Influencer

March 2023

2 A Young Man's Perspective on Women's History Month By Ben Haworth, MADD Teen Influencer

Women’s History Month was founded to honor and commemorate the vital impact women have made on the United States in a range of fields. In 1981, the United States. Congress announced “Women’s History Week” every March, and extended the commemoration to all of March in 1987 to celebrate the role of women in our country.

As a young man who has been raised by strong women, I feel it is important to endorse the commitment to advancing rights and opportunities for women and girls, not only in our country but also around the world. However, in my high school, we rarely discuss famous women in history, unless it is about common topics like the right to vote. If we are to study women's history, there are many more topics, viewpoints, and achievements that require examination across history, literature, and the arts to more fully value and recognize what encompasses women's history in the U.S. General history lessons already exaggerate men’s achievements in our male-dominated society. Throughout the year and especially during Women’s History Month, I feel we need to teach that gender shouldn’t be a reason to stop someone from exploring or contributing to a field of study. Alongside young women, young men also need to learn the language of equivalence and gain a larger view of history. Women’s contributions have changed our society and continue to impact us all. We need to see the value in teaching that gender does matter in our society and, at the same time, doesn’t matter. Personally, I will take this month to honor Women’s History Month by watching a documentary about women’s rights or listening to Ted Talks by prominent female leaders. One talk in particular that began a universal discussion about women's rights is the Ted Talk, “We Should All be Feminists” given by the

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