King's Business - 1913-05

A Wonderful Bible for the English Speaking World W ith many new and Striking F eatures T H E Scofield Reference Bible With a New System of Connected Topical References to all the Greater Themes of Scripture, with Annotations, Revised Marginal Renderings, Summaries, Definitions, and Index, TO WH ICH ARE ADDED Helps at Hard Places^ Explanations of Seeming Discrepancies, and a New System of Paragraphs, with Twelve Colored Maps and Index to Maps. Edited by REV. C, I. SCOFIELD, D.D. CONSULTING EDITORS. REV. ELMORE G. HARRIS, D.D. ' P resid en t T oronto Bible In stitu te. ARNO C. GAEBELEIN , A uthor “H arm bn y , of P ro ph etic W ord,” etc. REV. ARTHUR T. PIERSON , D.D. . Author, E ditor, T eacher; REV. R. A. TORREY, D. D., Bible Institute of Los Angeles, says: “I am delighted with it, and think it will be invaluable to any-one beginning the study of the Bible, and of great use to advanced students. I have been especially impressed with the introductions to the books. He has put a vast amount of necessary information in a very small compass. Take for example the introduction to the Book of Psalms. It is a marvel of completeness and condensation. In a paragraph of four lines he says more to the point on the imprecatory Psalms than many have put into a volume. I am also greatly pleased with the paragraph divisions, and especially with the headings of these paragraphs. In a single sentence Dr. Scofield gives just what one wants to know about the meaning of the passage that follows. The foot-notes too are of great value. They are right to the point. I have already received personal help from the book. It is filled with treasures and yet is within the compass for a Bible convenient to handle and carry. The more I examine the book, the more it grows upon me.’- Write us for Catalogue giving full particulars as to Bindings and Prices BIBLE INST ITUTE o f LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA F O R M O F B E Q U E S T All bequests should be made to the “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles ” and NOT to “ The Bible In stitu te ” as formerly but erroneously, advertised. The following is the correct form : I give and bequeath tq the Bible Institute of Los Angeles incorporated under the laws of the State of California.......................................................................................... Dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises. R E V H ENR T G. WESTON . D.D., LL.D. P resid en t Crozer Theological "Seminary. REV. JAMES M. GRAYy D.D. D ean of IVIoody Bible In stitu te. REV. W ILLIAM j . ERDMAN, D.D. A uthor “The-Gospel of Jo h n ,” etc., etc'; REV. PROF. W , G. MOOREHEAD, D. D. Prof, in X enia (U .P.) Theological Sem inary.

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