King's Business - 1913-05

THE KING'S BUSINESS The Heart of Africa! A Call and a Chance to be a Hero for Christ now By C. T. jpTJDD [Mr. Studd is one of th e fam ous "C am bridge B and”—a band of seven u n iversity stu d en ts who volunteered for foreign m issionary service in the ’80s. H e has spent th e g re a te r p a rt of h is life since th en in China. In Jan u a ry of th is y ear he sailed from E ngland w ith a sm all p arty of m en to carry th e Gospel into "th e h e a rt of A frica.”—E ditors.]


C HRISTIANS! what shall we do with it? Shall it belong to the devil, or to Christ? By right it belongs to Christ, bought with His blood, but is now in the hands of the devil. Are we Christians content to leave it so ?God forbid! “God’s will be done,” is our daily prayer ! That will is that all should come to the knowledge of the truth. There are millions in the heart of Africa who have not that knowledge! “If ye love Me,” said Jesus, “keep My c o m m a n d ments.” What are H i s c o m m a n d ments ? “Go, make disciples of all nations !” “Ye shall be My witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth!” “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature 1” But we have not gone! Christ has no witness there! To no creature there have we preached the Gospel Surely to pray, “Thy will be done,” yet not to execute it, is sheer hypocrisy!Christ made no exceptions! Dare we?

God has opened the door! Shall we fear to enter in? Having begun to build, shall we omit to put on the roof? Obedience is the first duty of a soldier ! Shall Christian soldiers disobey? To disobey Christ is to deny H im ! Excuses are but lies which increase our sin. “Ours not to reason why! Ours but to do and die!” “Nothing ven- t u r e , n o t h i n g have!” Let us go up at once and possess the land. “He goeth before us.” BUT WHERE is THE HEART OE AERICA? Half way between Alexandria and the Cape of Good Hope, -midway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, just above the Equator, between the Congo River and the southern boundary of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Draw a line across the continent parallel to the Equator, but three degrees north of it. The middle point of that line is the center of the heart of Africa. About that point describe a circle within a radius of 200 miles, that circle contains the heart of Africa. In that heart and round about it

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