
M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — Industry Leaders — December 23, 2016 - January 12, 2017 — 5B I ndustry L eaders


OTOWA, NJ — For the second consecu- tive year, CIOReview CIOReview cites firm’s use of Microsoft Advancements to bring clients ROI IBS named among most promising Microsoft Solutions providers T

management, budgeting and valuation, tenant screening, residential portal, and utility billing applications – among others. The recent release of Acu- matica Version 6.0 enables Imperium users to employ two keyMicrosoft applications. The ability to now create Power BI widgets within the Acumatica dashboard enhances Impe- rium’s value from a business intelligence perspective. Power BI can be set to trigger when key metrics are met, and au- tomatically notify appropriate contacts. “For example, Power BI can

its new, cloud-based system. In essence, the two compa- nies distilled the most im- portant functions of the IBS legacy system and rebuilt it on Acumatica’s Cloud xRP Framework, an extensible and scalable development platform programmed withMicrosoft C# on .NET. “Imperium is intended to serve as the core of a real es- tate entity’s ‘tech stack,’ hous- ing enterprise data and inter- facing with third-party prod- ucts across multiple services categories,” Mullin explained. This includes popular CRM and lease workflow, building

notify marketing staff when an apartment building’s occu- pancy drops below 95 percent,” Mullin said. “Or, it can mes- sage a commercial real estate owner’s accounting teamwhen portfolio-wide AR rises above a certain level.” Acumatica 6.0 also includes a new CRM Outlook Add-in, which enables Imperium us- ers to look up email senders in their CRMdatabases – without leaving Outlook. “A property manager in receipt of an email from a tenant can quickly re- view their communication his- tory and respond accordingly,” Mullin said. “If the system

cannot find the sender, the Add-in enables the user to cre- ate a new contact. It provides options to flag the contact as a lead or opportunity – a great tool when a potential tenant requests property informa- tion.” IBS also serves as a reseller of Acumatica’s general Cloud ERP system, which incor- porates the same Microsoft benefits. Geared to small and mid-size businesses across a range of industries, Acumatica delivers a suite of fully inte- grated business management applications on a robust and flexible platform. n

m a g a z i n e has named Integrated B u s i n e s s S y s t e m s (IBS) as one o f i t s 1 0 0 Most Prom- ising Micro- soft Solution

Michael Mullin

Providers. A boutique busi- ness technology solutions firm headquartered in Totowa, IBS offers mission-critical IT products and services in three key areas: Real Estate Lease Management Software, Cloud ERP andManaged IT Services. “It’s a great honor to rec- ognize Integrated Business Systems, Inc.,” said Jeevan George, CIOReview manag- ing editor. “IBS helps clients vet new technology products to identify the advancements that bring more ROI.” A panel including CEOs, CIOs, and IT professionals, including the CI- OReview editorial board, final- ized the “100 Most Promising Microsoft Solution Providers 2016” in the United States, and short-listed the best vendors and consultants. The Microsoft platform has been – and remains – central in IBS’s progress, according to Michael Mullin , president. “Our customer-centric mission hinges on helping clients keep their systems current and cre- ate competitive advantage,” he noted. “Today that effort is focused largely on solutions that help companies access and leverage data in an increasing- ly mobile and interconnected world.” Since its launch in 1979, IBS’s legacy lease manage- ment/accounting software – used by dozens of regional commercial and residential real estate owners and op- erators – had evolved to meet changing customer needs and commensurate with techno- logical advances. “With the emergence of cloud computing, our leadership rec- ognized that enabling clients to take full advantage of the resulting opportunities would require not just an update – but a rebuild,” Mullin said. “To that end, in 2015 we partnered with Acumatica, a leading provider of cloud enterprise resource planning software, to take the company forward.” In 2016, IBS released Impe- rium Powered by Acumatica,

Imperium Powered by Acumatica Introducing

Imperium, IBS’s new Cloud-based property management / accounting platform, blends our four-decade development history with a technologically advanced delivery. Is your organization ready to embrace an increasingly mobile and interconnected world ? Let us help you get there.

Contact us today. sales@ibsre.com www.IBSRE.com (973) 575-4950

Property Management Software • Cloud ERP Managed IT Services We do it all.

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