Comox Youth Council 13 - 18 years Get involved! Join this engaged group of youth dedicated to creating a positive atmosphere for residents in the Comox Valley. Plan and facilitate community events and initiatives for all ages in hopes of uplifting our community, gain volunteer hours for graduation requirements and have FUN with other like minded youth. Email to get involved and learn more. Instructor: Comox Youth Council Location: Room B Wed | 4:00 - 5:15 pm Jan 8 - Mar 12 | FREE! Youth Spin & Strength 12 - 18 years This combo spin/strength & core class is a fun opportunity to workout to music you love in the company of your peers & classmates. Emphasis on FUN will be integrated throughout the whole class! No session Feb 17. Instructor: Michaela Jelen Location: Spin Room Mon | 4:00 - 4:45 pm #16958 | Jan 6 - Mar 10 | $63 + gst Youth Badminton 10 - 16 years Learn and master the badminton basics! Practice footwork patterns, basic shots, learn about different grips and develop a wicked serve. Equipment provided or bring your own. No session Feb 17. Instructor: Mario Guitard Location: Gym A Mon | 3:30 - 4:50 pm #17089 | Jan 13 - Mar 10 | $78 + gst
Advancing Art for Teens - C 12 - 16 years
This small and dynamic studio class encourages you to develop work based on your interests. We will experiment with materials while further learning about the principles and elements of art. Create larger acrylic canvases, in depth drawings, sculptures and printmaking. New projects are offered throughout and you will be introduced to a variety of contemporary and historical artists to draw inspiration from. Materials are provided. Instructor: Tish Doyle-Morrow Location: Marina Park Genoa Wed | 6:30 - 8:00 pm #16912 | Jan 8 - Mar 12 | $298 + gst Babysitter Basics - C 11 - 17 years Learn to be a responsible babysitter! Upon completion of this course you will receive a Canada Safety Council certificate and leave feeling confident to deal with any challenging behaviors and emergencies that may arise while babysitting. Instructor: Laura Arkell Location: Room A
Youth Youth Open Gymnasium 10 - 17 years Drop in after school to shot hoops, bump balls or swing a racquet. Bring your own equipment or borrow it from the Front Desk. This is a designated youth only gym time. No sessions Mar 18, 20 & 25. Location: Gym A & B Tue, Wed & Thu | 3:00 - 4:15 pm Drop-in | Jan 7 - Mar 26 | FREE! Fri | 8:00 - 9:30 pm Sat | 2:00 - 4:15 pm Drop-in | Jan 3 - Mar 28 | $1.30 Preteen Hangout 9 - 13 years Finally its Friday! Come hang out and enjoy a vibe. Facilitated activities could include: dodgeball, basketball, gagaball, volleyball, Mario Kart video game tourney’s and more! Preteen night included in the Youth Activity Pass Membership. No session Mar 7, instead, check out FREE Family Movie Night on pg 61. Instructor: Caden Ward Location: Gym B Fri | 6:30 - 8:00 pm Drop-in | Jan 10 - Mar 28 | $3
Sat | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm #17003 | Mar 8 | $100 Home Alone - C 9 - 12 years Wondering when it’s safe to
leave your child at home alone before or after school or while you run errands? This course helps your child become prepared and confident and covers home and personal safety, emergency situations and strangers. Instructor: Laura Arkell Location: Room A
Sat | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm #17002 | Feb 8 | $90
Check out more creative youth programs on pg 52 , and a special youth event on pg 61.
COMOX RECREATION | 250-339-2255 |
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