Abbey SIP 2019-20 v1.2

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

At Abbey, children are at the heart of what we do. We will foster a love of learning and make learning fun. We will take sensible risks leading to memorable, challenging learning. We will help our children to learn to think, challenge and have confidence to shape their world. Our children will have a voice. We recognise that each child is unique and celebrate the successes of all. We will promote tolerance and mutual respect as part of a global community. We want all our children to thrive and lead happy, healthy lives.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Quality of Education*

Behaviour & Attitudes

Personal Development

Leadership, management & governance

 III links to the new EIF and where the intentions from the SIP fit into the EIF.




SEMH interventions

Innovate T4W

SEND/LA mathematics & Inclusion

SEMH intervention

Parental workshops

QA policy review

EEF intervention review

Review library use

Mental health & well- being

Bucket, life & soft review

NPQML embedding

Proportions at ARE YN & YR

Sp & L review


Rights respecting schools

UPS staff VFM

Lunchtime provision

Senior leaders ’ two-way communication

Draft EYFS framework expectations update

Phase 6 phonics KS2

5% uplift non-core ARE

Mental health & well- being

Home-school EYFS bags

Non-core overarching aims

SRE 2020

Central resource

CPA embed mathematics

Non-core learning journey

Maths learning journey

Non-core assessment

Bucket, life & soft review

Steps to success agreed practice

Non-core assessment

Link Governors: See committee terms of reference and termly governor visit schedule.

Current situation as at June 2019. Both schools are now OE 2 (Inf @ May 2013 (full) and October 2017 (S8); Jr @ May 2015). Teaching is consistently good and progress is good across all key stages and rising at key stage 2. Behaviour and attitudes is good and personal development is outstanding. Leadership and Management is good overall with strengths in Senior Leadership Team & Governance. Safeguarding has been externally scrutinised by the Local Children ’ s Safeguarding Board and is outstanding; Financial audit has rated infants as ‘ satisfactory assurances ’ ; Juniors as ‘ Outstanding assurances ’ ; deficit recovered at infants and budget remains balanced. Infants new build block replacement completed June 2019.; 50K annual investment for Key Stage 2 each and every year for three years; three-year budget within 5% of carry-forward although DFE funding review places considerable strain on the school(s) and a staffing reduction may be necessary. School has been awarded BSQM; AFPE; Music Mark; NAPTA; Sainsbury ’ s Gold; Speaker ’ s Award; PE Premium Award, ICT Mark, Coachmark. Double Gold Artsmark October 2018; BSQM re-assessment July 2018. Expectations by Summer 2020 – Overarching outcomes statement.

In Y1,3,4,5 the proportion of children making expected and better than expected progress against the school ’ s own curriculum is 90%/35%.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

In Y2 & Y6 the school ’ s attainment places us close to Fischer Family Trust (FFT) 20 therefore in the top 20% of schools for progress.

In EYFS the Good level of Development (GLD) remains at national or above; the proportion of pupils making good progress against the school ’ s curriculum is 90%/35% (pending new year baseline assessment)

Pupil premium children attainment and progress match the non-pupil premium in-school group and diminish the difference to the national non-disadvantaged group or is rapidly improving.

Specific outcomes from Assessing school ’ s performance (ASP), post July 2019 outcomes & assessment information and Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) release, see document ‘ Why are we still good – impact of L&M ’ Success criteria (measuring the desired outcomes) – see individual section plans below and- Additional possible avenues to share success – Basic Skills Quality Mark (BSQM); E-Safety 360 Quality Mark; ICT Mark; Inclusion Mark; Arts Mark; Investors in People; PSQM; Anti-bullying mark; RRS award; Note: The ‘ When ’ column indicates the start time of most of the aspects. The grid below shows where aspects will be returned to so that the SIP spreads developments across the academic year.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20







Non-core curriculum

Inclusion, SEND & Safeguarding



Month Number check

In-service training (INSET) and Curriculum continuing professional development (CPD) time links directly to the non-core TLR & non-Core AHT Quality Assurance (QA) process. Preceding these sessions are linked L&M CPD where the wider SMT group will coach and mentor the new staff in role socialization and role identity transformation. 5 x CPD work-life balance Parent consultation; start INSET week and last week of the academic year Non-core TLR QA structure: Skills audit against thematic plan Bucket list, soft skills and life skills check against thematic planning Resource audit and link to school ’ s budget planning Pupil voice non-core curriculum Book scrutiny against identified skills Learning observations Subject report Phase updated CPD for whole staff Reporting to link/ committee governors 6 x CPD in summer 2 for transitional moderation


INSET 2; Reading


Subject lead maths

Pupil Progress; TLA review

INSET 2; Science Progression Music & MFL



INSET 2; Intent map


Phase 6 phonics


UPS; Homework review


Gap between in-school and formal IS support SRE & SEMHS


Assessment tasks; Geography


Apps & CPA




INSET 3 TFW; Actions

Pupil Progress Pupil Progress















Cross-school moderation

Cross-school moderation

Cross- school moderation

Cross- school moderation

Cross-school moderation

Cross-school moderation

Cross- school moderation

Cross- school moderation

Aspect number check

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


TFW review; Library refresh enhance culture of reading; Phase 6 KS2 (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : MPM


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale .

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do?

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? More varied, personal and creative writing from our children. Staff feeling empowered to vary the structure and differentiation of T4W lessons, including a wider variety of visual stimulus, purposeful writing, drama activities, sentence level work (exploring a variety of structures and innovations), spelling and reading activities.

Time scale for completion



Staff meetings to share successes so far.

Spring 2020


Innovate more in Talk 4 Writing lessons. Empower staff to innovate and encourage children to draw upon prior and current learning so that pupils ’ outcomes are more varied and personal.

TC & RP performance management tasks re: drama etc. Y3 ‘ Manor House ’ narrative; Y5 ‘ Little Vixen Street ’ narrative Inset CPD from Dean Thompson at Talk 4 Writing MPM to work with each year group to understand current planning practise and advise change.


Planning will show the inclusion of the above.

5% uplift in pupils working at GDS across the school.

T4W Inset day with accredited T4W trainer January 2019.

Re-stock the library from books held in classrooms, from book fair commission etc Train additional librarians, so that every class has at least 2.

Children will have access to a broader range of reading materials, encouraging reading for pleasure.

Spring 2020


Re-vitalise library, so that children are trained to use it regularly and correctly – selecting, reading and returning books in a timely manner.


Children will develop a reading routine where responsibility and independence are encouraged. Staff will have a greater awareness of children ’ s reading habits.

All Staff

Develop regular reports showing which books each child has had and for how long.

Allocate regular time-slots for each class to visit the library.\

Develop system to extend to KS1

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Continue teaching of phase 6 phonics in Year 3, to consolidate learning and support spelling.

Begin re-teaching phase 6, from Autumn term

Consolidate learning and support spelling throughout KS2.

Autumn 2019


All pupils securely spell the HFW & CEW from the NC Y3/4 expectations by the end of Y4.

Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


Consolidation of the CPA approach to teaching mastery (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : NR


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale . To ensure all mathematics lessons have a structure of concrete, pictorial and abstract in all lessons and for all children.

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do? Subject lead and class teachers to work collaboratively to revise the structure of the planning in order for CPA to happen daily.

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? There will be consistency in the use of children ’ s understanding of maths with resources to scaffold their learning.

Time scale for completion




NR class teachers


To use the Anthony Reddy training, NCETM training and Planning folder

Children will be able to explain and reason more effectively as learning and vocabulary is embedded.

Subject lead to ensure the coverage of skills matches the needs of the children with the use of resources and scaffolding.

The majority of children will be meeting the ARE of each year group.

Half termly

Subject lead to support developing the structure of lesson.

Subject leader to consolidate the non- negotiables of a mastery sequence of lessons.

Children ’ s application and independence on problem and deeper thinking will be improved. Teacher ’ s subject knowledge will be enhanced resulting in better outcomes for the children. Children and teachers understand the sequence of learning and how it builds up on prior knowledge and understanding.

To improve the quality of teaching and learning across maths by ensuring all staff are clear and consistent about the learning journey.

Staff to ensure the unit of learning is sequenced to enable clear understanding of mathematical skills and reasoning, Through the use of Power maths, NCETM resources, White Rose, NRIch as in planning folder, Anthony Reddy training Staff to ensure that the daily lesson is structured to ensure the build-up of skills in a CPA approach. New learning verses consolidation of learning.


NR class teachers

Staff will be confident with the teaching structure and organisation.


Subject lead to present a variety of lesson structures to meet the context of learning.

Staff to use and ensure all children are using the agreed vocabulary for each unit of work and organisation of their resources.


Staff to use the vocabulary of maths. Staff to

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

There will be a consistent approach to mastery maths at Abbey.

use Power maths vocabulary, posters on walls and Subject lead to send Anthony Reddy vocabulary e.g. Numicon style, five style etc. 5.Subject lead and working group to audit the maths year, and create a ‘ Abbey Mastery ’ approach.



To close the gap in the number of children on a different POS for maths.

Teachers to use the resources and CPA training to deploy staff effectively in maths interventions from the provision maps. Ensure that the sequence of lessons are structured effectively for children who need more support. Teachers to choose with support of SENDCO the most appropriate LSP for the specific intervention.

More children will be on the programmes of study for their relevant year group.



5% reduction in those working BARE, by the end of summer 2020.

Term 1


Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


Overarching NC aims; learning journey; review BSL; resource store (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : CJ


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale . To ensure all non-core subjects have a clear progression of skills that embed the overarching aims of the National Curriculum

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do? Subject leads to work collaboratively to revise the current curriculum provision for non-core subjects. Subject leads to ensure the coverage of skills clearly matches the overarching aims of the National Curriculum. Subject leads to deliver CPD for staff to ensure the progression of skills are clear and understood by all staff.

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? There will be a fluidity across the range of subjects that ensures opportunities to embed learning are maximised. The revised curriculum content clearly identifies the overarching aims of the National Curriculum. Staff are clear about the progression of skills taught and how their ‘ bit of the jigsaw ’ impacts on the ‘ big picture ’ of learning. The school will have a revised curriculum statement that clearly maps how the learning journey for children at Abbey meets the needs of our community. Uplift of 5% the proportion of pupils reaching ARE across non-core subjects. Clear skills progression guidance in place that is well matched to the needs of the school. Outcomes for children improve with a clear learning journey.

Time scale for completion




Non-core subject leads & All staff




External providers to work with subject leads/phases with ideas for implementing progress of skills tailored to Abbey.


To improve the quality of teaching and learning across all subjects by ensuring all staff are clear about the learning journey.

Subject leaders to revise the current skills progression maps to ensure they meet the needs of our school and community and the overarching aims of the National Curriculum. Subject leads to provide staff with CPD to enable a clear understanding of skills progression. Staff to ensure the lesson sequence clearly builds upon prior learning by using the skills progression framework.


Non-core subject leads & All staff

Staff subject knowledge will be enhanced and in turn outcomes for children improve.



Children are clear about how their learning fits into the teaching sequence and how prior learning is built upon, this can be developed through the use of starters to revisit and consolidate learning.


Staff to ensure planned activities match the skills progression.

Planning and lessons build on prior learning, as a result, outcomes for pupils improve.


Staff to ensure hook lesson/experience/ day take place at the start of a unit

Life skills, bucket list, soft skills are drawn upon through the taught curriculum

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Staff to plan for 2Simple assessment points.

The children will be immersed and engaged with the topic from the start.

Assessment activities to be planned for as an end of unit, through quizzes, posters, drama, investigations etc. (not a formal test) Staff and children will both be aware of the value and importance of the life/soft skills. Children will be able to confidently articulate their understanding of the life skills gained and why they are doing them. There will be minimal overlap between skills and where there is, it will be purposeful and developed upon.

To ensure life skills/soft skills are effectively planned for, shared and embedded.

Class teachers to revise and amend the current life skills and soft skills and have them clearly displayed in the classroom.


Non-core subject leads & All staff

Staff to ensure that there is progression within the life skills across the school.


Staff to continue to use the non-core front cover to regularly discuss soft/life skills with the children. Staff to create an up to date and relevant bucket list ensuring that it incorporates the children ’ s ideas. Staff to share life skills with parents throughout the year. Audit equipment across both schools.



To implement an electronic system to organise resources across the federation

Lessons will be easily and effectively resourced

By 12/19

Create a checking in and out system to monitor where resources are.

Staff will be aware of resources available and location

Staff to take responsibility for maintaining the system.

Subject leads will be able to easily identify equipment that needs replacing.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


CPA to secure automaticity of number bonds; outdoor renewal; I-pad specific EYFS apps (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : SG


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale .

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do? Use NCETM, Power Maths and Maths hub resources to develop a programme of activities to meet the objective. Integrate the EYFS Anthony Ready CPA so that pupils develop and refine their sense of number Number of the day extends to include more opportunities for representations to embed and develop pupils ’ understanding and recall.

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? 75% of pupils exit YN secure at 30-50S in Number & SS&M; 15% of pupils exit YN working within 40-60 in Number. 75% of pupils exit YR secure at ELG2 in number and SS&M; 15% of pupils exit YR secure at ELG3 in number & SS&M

Time scale for completion



Develop opportunities to play, rehearse and manipulate patterns with number.

December 2019

SG, NR & EYFS staff

Develop mental and CPA session so that pupils recall number bonds 0-5 in YN and 0-10 in YR, including partitioning, off by heart.

Note: draft EYFS framework from 2020 is very likely to becoming policy and the expectations are higher of pupils.

Develop the YR outdoor area following the phased demolition of the old infant block.

Site survey to examine possibilities for outdoor use

Site allows for full access to EYFS curricular demands.

December 2019

SG, NR & EYFS staff

GLD remains close to national or above.

PD remains a key aspect of EYFS provision and supports our work on gross-motor

Developmentally appropriate activities and managed, sensible risk areas for pupils to challenge and extend themselves.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

To develop the home /school link through the use of resource bags to promote learning at home in a fun way.

Staff will provide resources for the home/ school link bag to promote learning. 3 per class/ Nursery. Staff will observe a greater contribution of evidence from home for their learning journeys. Workshops for parents to help understand the use of the bags; additional workshop for phonics

There will be an observed increase in children understanding rhyme and alliteration across EYFS.

October 2019

SG, NR & EYFS staff

Proportion secure in phase 2 phonics at the end of YN is 80%

Home/ school links and target gaps in learning.

Proportion secure in phase 3 phonics at the end of YR is 80%

To promote an understanding of rhyme and alliteration in preparation for reading and developing a culture of and love for reading.

To dedicate 10 I-pads in YN and 15 in YR specifically with EYFS apps.

Wipe and audit current apps. Use Lightspeed MDM to create a profile for EYFS. Deploy apps and store in re-used Kingston trolley

Pupils have access to dedicated apps to support across areas of learning.

October 2019


To review the use of assessment information collected so that the quantity decreases, quality and links across areas of learning increases to inform next steps and CIL.

Consult EYFS staff on the use of assessment information

Staff draw upon all areas of learning to develop a holistic assessment that informs next steps and provision.

After baseline.


Access LA good practice and outstanding providers to secure the best practice to inform our AFL and AofL. Workload balance remains positive whilst still ensuring that sufficient useful evidence is collected, collated and used.

Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


Intervention review; Develop in-house Sp&L; Parental workshop (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : JS


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale . To review the interventions provided by school staff to support the learning and SEMH needs of both SEND children and children identified for support on the Provision Map. Check interventions against EEF, local Inclusion support recommendations and draw upon wider staff knowledge to ensure the most efficient and effective practice is shared, used and understood.

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do? Review and then refine the number of ‘ evidence based ’ interventions available in school identifying the most effective with the greatest impact. Review the SEND maths interventions and, where applicable, include more opportunities to enhance children ’ s visualisation skills through the use of concrete and pictorial resources. Incorporate on the provision map where an intervention will take place to reduce / limit the disruption to children ’ s learning Implement a workshop for teachers to inform their knowledge and understanding of the interventions available which will enable children to be selected for intervention appropriate to their needs.

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? Staff will be able to access a smaller list of ‘ evidence based ’ interventions to identify the best support to meet children ’ s individual needs. Children will have more opportunities to enhance their visualisation skills and therefore, increase their maths understanding and ability to work more independently. The proportion of pupils working at BARE reduces (compare 18-19 to 19-20)

Time scale for completion



Autumn Term


Children will be able to access an intervention with limited disruption to their learning.

Teachers will have an increased understanding of the interventions available most suited to meet the individual needs of each child. Provision mapping is sharpened to meet the needs of all.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Children will continue to have their Sp&L needs assessed either through the Sp&L Service or through trained school staff. Targets will be identified appropriate to each child ’ s individual needs and a programme of support implemented by identified LSPs / LSAs.

In light of the Sp&L Service stopping their service to schools, we need to identify an alternative way of providing for our children with Sp&L difficulties.

Identify the support that the Service will be providing e.g. will they still assess children ’ s needs following referrals from Parents and produce a report identifying support? If the above is still happening : Continue to identify staff to implement the appropriate support. If the above is not happening: Identify staff who have attended a Sp&L training course and evaluate whether further training is required so that they can assess children ’ s needs. In Early Years and where appropriate, some KS1 children, use the WELLCOM assessment tool to identify children ’ s Sp&L needs and ensure training for staff implementing it is given. Identify the parent needs through: - Knowledge and understanding from previous safeguarding cases / vulnerable families - Survey parents - Organise a coffee morning and invite parents to introduce the workshops and ascertain their areas of need / interest. - Discussions with school staff Think about ways in which to encourage parents to attend the workshops e.g. backing onto the Inspire workshops or assemblies. Identify further training available and cost implications.

Autumn Half Term


Targets will be monitored and reviewed termly in school by the SENCo.

To identify parent workshops and implement on a termly basis to promote parental engagement.

Parents will be up-skilled in providing a secure and safe environment for their children in relation to their SEMH needs and E-Safety. It will support and enhance the relationship between school and parents, through building respect and trust to create a positive experience for both parents and children. Parents will gain knowledge and understanding of the services available to support their children and family need. Through working with outside services / agencies, It will build the school ’ s relationship and knowledge base.

Autumn Term


Create partnerships with identified outside services / agencies to work in collaboration in

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

implementing the workshops.

Create a leaflet of information along with a schedule to support the workshops and identify how parents will be informed.

Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


Rights, respecting schools; Embed well-being & mental health work; SRE 2020 (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : TF


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale .

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do?

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? Staff have an understanding of the bigger picture and understand the end goal. They will know about the resources that they can access that help them deliver this.

Time scale for completion



Staff training with A Vickers – lead on the award

To achieve the Rights Respecting Schools Award


A Vickers and all staff

The school ’ s UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award threads through the whole school. It will help develop pupils ’ acceptance of difference and diversity, and provides them with a strong moral compass

Staff and pupil survey to be conducted during Summer Term 2019 in readiness for the launch in September


AIS/AJS staff and pupils

Involving all staff and a use of a shared language aides ’ consistency across the Federation.

Use of a shared Language (right, responsibility, respect)

Shared language for class rules ensures that all staff are using a consistent approach Involving children from the onset will encourage ownership and steer its development to meet the needs of our school. Mission statement/script helps staff articulate this to pupils and parents. Parents feel involved and understand the aims of the school Children have involvement in charity work and see how to support global issues. They understand the collective impact of their involvement in charity work A display ensures that all visitors, staff and children regularly see the aims of RRS award and the benefits it has to the school


All staff

Class rules and terminology – AV to send the template to all staff before whole school transition day – guidance on a class activity. Preparation for September. Staff to display in a prominent position. Steering group – UNICEF school council, friendship buddies and involvement with children

09/10 ongoing

RK and AV

TF and AV


Embed into collective worship & PSHE programme


Develop a web-page as part of the ‘ class pages ’ section detailing the journey to inform parents and stakeholders. Staff to be aware that there a natural links with Religious Education and British Values and where possible make links to RRS.



School achieves RRS award.

Set up a prominent display in school – that all staff, visitors and children can

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

refer to

Embed and develop the work that we have done on Wellbeing and Mental Health across the school

Revise the well-being assemblies programme and update the themes - managing emotions, relationships, kindness, anti-bullying, looking after our physical and mental health. Staff have an easy to follow programme of work and a bank of resources to use. They have guidance to follow and feel confident to tackle issues such as managing emotions and talking about mental health. Embed the strategies known to pupils calm e.g. ‘ ready, steady, calm; yoga, breathing techniques and mindfulness activities. Staff and lunch time staff use the key phrases such as ‘ Ready, steady, calm ’ , the analogy of the bucket filling up and over with emotions, S.T.O.P (tackling bullying) and ‘ Big and Little feelings and emotions ’ (mental health).

Well-being of children and mental health is good. Children have strategies and life skills that they can draw on to cope with life in and outside of school and beyond. Relationships between children are dealt with in an effective way – squabbles are easily managed. Yoga. Mindfulness and breathing techniques are used by children to help calm emotions or steady nerves. Children develop important life skills about looking after your mental and physical health. Staff around the school talk about looking after your physical and mental health, using a ‘ shared approach and language ’ . Children, ‘ TELL ’ staff if they are worried about mental health, bullying, managing emotion. They feel confident to share with trusted people or adults around the school; including pupil groups; PCSOs, Friendship Buddies, Sandwell Safeguarding Champions. The incidents of children who are not able to deal with feelings and arguments decreases. Staff are confident that they are working towards meeting the requirements of the RSE curriculum. Parents, staff, pupils and governors have clear guidance about the statutory requirements. Pupils have a progressive curriculum that informs them about health, relationships and healthy sexual relationships RSE guidance is met in full, delivered to pupils and tailored to the Abbey community.


TF, AHTS and SLT and all staff


All staff



AHT/SLT/Staff rota


All staff


Consult with parents and wider community in readiness for Relationship and Sex Education for September 2020

Map the resources used across the school, so that all staff are clear about the pith and expectations of the aspects. Staff meeting and mapping activity to be completed.


TF and staff



Consult with parents on policy adopted by the GB May 2019.


Through the PSHE/Wellbeing work the areas of health (physical and mental health) and relationships are developed.


Parents and governors


Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Parents and the community are consulted about the content of the curriculum before implementation in September 2020. Parents are informed via letters, website and curriculum information leaflets. TF to work with Emily Morgan to cherry pick ideas from the LA guidance and curriculum planning.



Lunchtimes are a positive experience for all children with a consistent approach by all staff (respect for LTS).

Revision of MAPA training 1-day de- escalation.

Staff are confident in managing challenging or difficult behaviour



To be complete by 03/20

Class teachers and link LTS

Ensure all staff are aware of how to deal with the most vulnerable Implement ‘ Your Words Matter ’ . Canteen and hall etiquette and manners – set expectations through whole assemblies and involve lunchtime supervisors. Provide rewards for children. Staff to visit the canteen or hall for lunch and support expectations. Developing the role of play partners – MS to train and develop confidence in this role. Provide ‘ how to ’ guides Develop wet lunch time provision – work with M Seaton to train and support LTS staff linked to classes – what do LTS group need to feel confident during wet play. Links with RRS – AV to share this with the LTS team. Understand the vision and mission statement for the school. AV to complete training with this group.

Class teachers have given LTS staff valuable information about managing the behaviour of vulnerable children; children develop a good relationship with staff and there is a consistent approach used.


LTS have time to reflect on the outcome of situations and consider the use of positive language.

All staff

Children are given clear expectations and this is supported by all staff across the school Children have staff who can engage with them, model play and support learning through play.

Reduction in incidents recorded in behaviour logs, as monitored by the termly recording.


MS and LTS staff

MS and SC

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions


Revise agreed TLA; Non-core assessment; homework review (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : RK


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale . Revise the agreed Abbey ‘ steps to success ’ to reflect the pedagogical changes made to 2018-19. Ensure staff understanding about the menu of agreed practice and how/when it is appropriate to use these techniques across all subjects.

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do? As part of directed time CPD, review with stakeholders. Draw upon self-review, current educational thinking and leaders ’ vision and ambition for the school to ensure clarity and consistency of our agreed TLA systems and structures. Ensure that all leaders drive the consistent message about how and when to choose from our agreed ‘ steps to success ’ to ensure good or better learning.

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? A new and revised agreed Abbey practice document is drawn up. Through the application of the QA policy, the agreed practice is supported, challenged, monitored and its impact on learning checked against books and pupil progress information.

Time scale for completion



End of September

All subject leads

Abbey ’ s TLA remains consistent across the school.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Summative and formative judgements of non-core subjects improve.

Develop a bank of non-core assessment material in the form of tasks and some ‘ tests ’ that inform staff use of assessment information to inform provision across subjects.

Tasks link directly to taught units. Tasks are not standalone ‘ tests ’ but are used as part of the learning journey to inform next-steps and summative assessment of learning.

Reviewed half- termly as per units taught.

CJ, NPQML & UPS staff

Pupils ’ understanding of what to do to improve and what they do well, in non-core, increases.

Attainment at ARE, across all non-core subjects improves.

By 1 st parents ’ evening.

Develop the school ’ s use of on-line resources so that pupils receive an agreed, year-group specific, amount of e- homework.

Revise the schools ’ homework policy. Agree an acceptable amount per year/phase. Inform parents and carers. Train staff and pupils on electronic sharing. Develop a time where parents who have limited access can use the school ’ s resources to ensure equality of access for all.

Pupils move to e-homework in an agreed amount and format.

School gets more VFM out of e-resources Workload is reduced due to no paper-based resources.

This will support staff in workload as the tasks are self-marking.

This will support minority parents ’ views of receiving more homework.

Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


Revise QA; Embed NPQML; UPS VFM; Communication strategy (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : RK

LEADERSHIP and Management

Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale .

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do?

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? QA policy is re-drafted, consulted and agreed with all stakeholders. QA policy demarcates the split between core and non- core subjects to increase the frequency of non-core tasks. Leaders spend as much time working alongside staff as the time spent in formal monitoring. This will reduce the frequency of formal QA but provide a dialogue of professional support and challenge to impact upon daily practice. Governors increase the amount of time in classrooms, alongside leaders and staff, to supplement their already embedded focussed visits.

Time scale for completion



To revise the Quality Assurance ‘ QA ’ policy.

SMT to re-draft the QA policy.

By the end of September 2019

RK & wider SMT

Checks are sufficient, timely and used to inform L&M time, CPD and wider INSET needs of staff. Grow the responsibility of those who are well trained, including UPS staff, to develop the culture of learning among staff to keep the school consistently good. Governors ’ role develops to a balance of both focussed visits (current practice) to working with leaders on implementation of the QA policy. NPQML leaders to work alongside other senior leads to enact the QA policy. Adopt a coaching and mentoring approach to semi-structure and support their use of the QA information. Enable leaders to draw upon the full-range of evidence to inform judgments across the EIF framework by drawing links across graded aspects.

Ensure that the mechanisms for checking, training and support are fit for purpose.

Leaders ’ time is spent in a balanced way to secure enough information to assure leaders, governors and external scrutineers of the quality of education. Following on, provide sufficient CPD to ensure new initiatives are supported well and that on-going agreed practice is consistently good.

Evidence from the QA supports all aspects of the new EIF 2019.

NPQML leaders secure their skills following completion of their course.

Embed the skills & attributes of the NPQML middle leaders.

By the end of the academic year


Linked to the QA policy review, all NPQML staff, will rehearse and refine their skills of school self-review to impact upon outcomes for pupils. Refine the action and impact statement of leaders ’ monitoring to draw upon the full range of QA materials so that links are made across the EIF judgements to support and inform the school ’ s SEF

SEF judgements are drawn from the full range of QA material and within the QA material, maximise the links possible from the EIF framework. Accuracy of SEF reflects the new EIF Middle leaders are able to write a subject report summarising the work across the academic year.

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Initiatives are co-led by SMT, subject leads and that UPS staff drive leaders ’ ambition for the changes to provision. UPS staff are instrumental in ensuring a consistent message of provision is enacted in their classroom/phases.

Ensure that UPS staff contribute fully to the learning culture within school by enacting the UPS standards consistently and fully.

Strengthen the opportunities and expectations of the UPS staff so that the standards are fully met consistently well.

By PM set-up meetings through reviews and next steps planning by 31/10


UPS staff engagement activity to create an ‘ Abbey UPS ’ shared understanding and agreement of expectations.

Develop the formal opportunities for all staff to communicate positive comments, queries or concerns to inform the learning culture within school.

Add a regular agenda item to phases whereby staff have the opportunity to communicate positive comments, queries or concerns. Ensure that SMT relay these to senior leaders and where a response is needed to phase or all staff, ensure that these are addressed though either whole staff, phase or weekly briefings. RK to attend phases, once per half-term, as a further opportunity to ensure clarity and opportunity of and for communication.

All stakeholders have a greater opportunity to work two-way communication with colleagues and senior leaders.

In place for first phase

meeting of the academic year.

Mis-conceptions, queries, concerns are dealt with sensitively and openly to ensure a consistent message about the learning culture and intentions of leaders

All staff increase their professional accountability for ensuring that colleagues support, challenge and communicate openly.

All staff to accept and take responsibility for their role in developing a culture of open communication and positive action

Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20


Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

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