Select Specification Catalog

O rdering G uidelines : Click on the WAY site and place your orders today in Direct Connect…just one kitchen at a time! To order, go to WAY and access Direct Connect. Follow the instructions listed below: 1. Create an Order in Direct Connect by clicking on Standard, following on normal Admin and Header procedures and then click on the green plus sign at the bottom left of the Line Item screen. 2. Browse the AFE catalog and enter the item of your choice (Please note, Wellborn will only finish items in the following wood species: Cherry, Maple, Hickory and Oak). 3. Preview item and pricing, make your selection and then add to order. 4. Submit your order following the usual procedures. 5. Lead times will be adjusted in real time to reflect product availability from AFE when necessary. 6. Finished AFE components will ship on your Wellborn truck or UPS. Note: Art For Everyday is not available on Rush.

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