Select Specification Catalog

Document of Understanding

(Dealer Name)

is proud that you have chosen Wellborn Cabinet, Inc. products for your home. It is our desire that you be completely satisfied with your decision. We believe that it is important that you are aware of the information pertaining to

(Door Style, Material, Finish Name) This document contains information on all the different door style, material and finish types that could go into creating your unique kitchen. Please read the following document and discuss any questions with your dealer. These features are acceptable and are not considered defects. Therefore, these features are not covered under warranty.

Dealer Comments:

Please sign below indicating that you have read these statements, the document and are aware of the effects that could be found throughout your kitchen, however, not on every cabinet. Your signature indicates that


(Dealer Name)

nor Wellborn Cabinet, Inc., will be held responsible in the event that these characteristics are found to be less desirable than expected once installed in your home.

Customer Signature

Salesperson Signature

Customer Name (Please Print)

Company Name



o Check here if order is for Display or Showroom (only requires Dealer signature). The order cannot be submitted until this form has been signed and attached to it.

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