Board Converting News, September 2, 2024

Tyoga Container (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1)

run 80- to 90-million square-feet of product per month if it added a third shift. The company employs approximate- ly 180 who work on one of two 10-hour shifts Monday through Thursday, usually Friday and sometimes Saturday, depending on order volumes. Yes, an additional $30 million investment on the heels of the $10 million eight years ago for a family-owned in- dependent doing business in the remote Northeast cor- ner of Pennsylvania that Frysinger himself admits is in the “middle of nowhere.” More labor will be needed to staff the new machines and manage the growth; Tyoga is trying to hire approximately 12 employees to fill out its first and

Consumers expect online product purchases to arrive in pristine condition. Retailers and E-tailers need to minimize costly returns. Shipping in corrugated boxes makes everyone happy. Corrugated

packaging combines structural rigidity with wavy flutes to cushion and protect contents from damage. Perfect for stacking, cubing,and meeting the needs of omni- channel distribution to delight consumers with joyful unboxing experiences. When it comes to protecting goods, corrugated delivers.

The Macarbox 970-2400 DDF FFG, fitted with an Alliance pre- feeder, can produce up to 20,000 boxes per hour.


second shifts, not the easiest task given the demograph- ics of rural Pennsylvania but Frysinger knows how to keep his employees happy. In addition to a competitive salary and benefit package, the massive expansion included a new break room, complete with fresh options for food and beverages in a market café. In addition, all the restrooms in the facility are new or completely renovated; hourly em- ployees have access to all the same facilities as salaried workers and managers. Then, of course, there is benefit – and pleasure – of working on brand new or almost new equipment in a state-of-the-art facility. Growing With The Flow “The Isowa and the Hycorr were the two anchors we knew we needed to get to where we wanted to get long- term, but we knew we needed to change the overall flow of the plant to remove the bottlenecks that occurred by putting in one new piece of machinery at a time,” Frysinger says. “In modern box plants it’s all about flow and that’s

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September 2, 2024

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