King's Business - 1922-05

............................ ............................................................. ........miniuii...... I . “Best” Books about the Bible

A ll A b o u t th e B ib le B y S idn ey C ollett


l i ¡ u W i « i n Its Origi Its Language

It w ou ld b e hard to find a greater am ou n t o f in form ation and argum en t p a ck ed in to the sam e com p ass than is presented b y the w riter o f the b o o k . H e n ot o n ly takes up the origin , lan gu age, trans­ lation, canon , inspiration, errors, etc., o f the Bible, bu t m any qu estion s w h ich have b een raised c o n ­ cern in g it, and gives w ell digested answ ers. Should b e in every fam ily library. P rice $ 1 .5 0

ItsCanori ItsSymbols

Its Inspiration ItsAllegedInto aSCmlraMi® Its Plan ’ Its Sconce. Its Rivals • ''■' ‘ SIOHEV.COUtTT.

HowWe Got Our Bible By J. Patterson Smythe This volume which traces the story of the Bible from the early manuscripts of the Apostolic days down to the last version in our hands today, is_ brimful of useful information which will prove of invaluable service to all Bible readers. Price $1.00 Theopneustia; the Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures By L . G aussen Among scholars who are loyal to the Word of God this has been considered one of the best, if not the best, setting forth# of the doctrine of Verbal Inspira­ tion that has ever been written. Price $1.00 Practical and Perplexing Questions Answered By Dr. R. A. Torrey 5 This book takes up the practical ques­ tions and the perplexing questions that Christians, especially young Christians, are constantly asking.. It is a companion book to “ Difficulties in the Bible.” Paper ....................—..........-....................30c Cloth ..............----------------------------.;.......75c

Our 66 Sacred Books, or HowOur Bible Was Made By Edwin Rice A popular hand-book for colleges, Normal classes and Sunday Schools on the authorship, contents, preservation, and circulation of the Christian Scrip­ tures. This book incorporates the ac­ cepted results of recent explorations in the Bible lands, and the researches of critical scholars within the past twenty years. Price $1.00 Why I Believe the Bible By David J. Burrell Does anyone, knowing the author, doubt his ability to give in clear, con­ cise and convincing form his reasons for a definite faith in the Book of Books? The work will confirm the faith, cure skepticism and convert the honest en­ quirer. Price $1.25 Life in the Word By Philip Mauro “ This virile little volume is in nature of a lawyer’s brief for the authority of the Bible.” The author has gathered together the best proofs of the vitality and vitalizing power of the Bible and put them into forcible shape. Price 50c

T h e Summ a r ized B ib le By K eith L . B rook s D r. W . H . G riffith T hom as, in E vangelical W itness, says: “ T h is*w ork jj is adapted fo r private stu d y and also as a text b o o k fo r teaching, w h ile in j addition, it w ill p ro v e exceedin gly useful as a w o rk o f referen ce fo r p rea ch - | j ers and teachers. O n its ow n lines, it is adm irable fo r helpfu lness and | those w h o use it w ill certain ly obtain a th orou gh k n ow ledge o f the Bible. 1 P rice (c lo t h ), $ 1 .7 5 ; (p a p e r ),. $ 1 .2 5 | If b o o k s a re to com e b y mail add 1 0% fo r posta ge. If m on ey d oes n ot a ccom p a n y ord er g ood s w ill b e sent C . O . D ., unless • | | oth erw ise specified. jj T H E B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute of Los Angeles , § 5 3 6 -5 5 8 South H o p e Street, L os A n geles, C aliforn ia ' f tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiHiimiiiiiiimiimiimiiiiiiiraiimii.....urn.......iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiuiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiim i^ M'll.llll!ll!lllllHl".ll!r..!!!u!>!ll»l"!l!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllillllll»llllllinilllllUni>l>H

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