King's Business - 1922-05


In Defense o f the Bible A n En tire ly N ew B o o k — Just Ou t In His Image W illiam Jennings B ryan’ s A n sw er to “ D arw in ism ” A ll the fulness o f M r. B ryan’ s v ig o ro u s and rich ly stored m ind is b rou g h t into play, revealing him as a m an su prem ely co n v in ce d o f the facts o f the Christian faith and a b le to vin d icate them un der the full glare o f m odern destructive criticism . M r. B ryan says: “ M y p u rp ose is to p ro v e n ot on ly the fa ct o f G od, bu t the n eed o f G od, the fa ct o f the B ible and the need o f the Bible, the fa ct o f C hrist and the n eed o f a S aviou r.” A defense o f the “ O ld R o o k .” C loth— P rice $ 1 .7 5 (I Many In fa llib le P r o o f s The Evidence o f Christianity || B y D r. A . T . P ierson W e k n ow o f n o better b o o k fitted fo r the p u rp ose o f p ro v in g that the Bible || is the B o o k o f G od and that Jesus is the S on o f G od . W ith m anly earnest- 11 ness b o rn o f stron g con viction s, D r. P ierson p resents a series o f argum ents II that can h ardly fail to satisfy the m ost ex actin g doubter, p rov id ed sim ply ¡I that h e is hon est and has n ot planted him self o n p rin cip les that m ake all || p ro o fs futile. P rice $ .......... I§ The Bible and Its Enemies || . By William Jennings Bryan ¡1 The substance of an address delivered || at the Moody Bible Institute dealing with II what Mr. Bryan regards as four enemies 11 of the Bible—the Agnostic, the Atheist, 11 the Higher Critic, and the Evolutionist. || The last-named comes in for the fullest || treatment, and the plainness and force 11 with which the subject is treated is || most convincing and impressive. This || is a booklet that ought to be circulated || far and wide, especially among college 11 students. It is a great thing when a || man like Mr. Bryan fearlessly calls “a 11 spade a spade.” Price 25c The Scriptures— God’s Living Oracles By Dr. A. T. Pierson The sole aim of this book is to awaken faith where it does not exist, and to strengthen and comfort where it does; it. is hoped, therefore, both to reach the honest doubters and to *help believers, becoming the means of producing, or at least promoting an intelligent and ra­ tional conviction that, in ?- the Holy Scriptures we have God’s living Oracles, inspired by His Holy Spirit. Price $1.00 ¡I ern T h e o r y ” o f the Bible, the ta p root o f w h ich h e hold s to b e R ationalism . || || B elieving the B ible to b e the inspired W o rd o f G od, D r. Steel p ro ce e d s to || 11 sh ow that, fa r from its b e in g a re co rd standing in con tra d iction to the || 11 findings o f scie n ce and research it is in reality an ticip atory o f them , vindi- || 11 ca tion an d con firm ation . D r. Steel is a d ou g h ty controversialist, and ca r- || || ries the battle to the m odernists w th unabated v ig o r and rem arkable skill o f || || fen ce. \\ A w o rk o f unusual timeliness and sterlin g w orth . P rice $ 1 .2 5 || |1 If b o o k s are to co m e b y mail add 1 0% fo r posta ge. If m on ey d oes n o t a ccom p a n y ord e r g o o d s w ill b e sent C . O . D ., unless || 11 oth erw ise specified.___________ - || T H E B I O L A B O O K R O O M || Bible Institute of Los Angeles || 5 3 6 -5 5 8 South H o p e Street, L os A n g eles, C aliforn ia i'?iiiiiiiHiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii~= F.iiiiiMimiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimHiiiiniiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiHuiiiiMiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ T h e M od e rn T h e o r y o f th e B ib le ¡1 B y Sam uel A . Steel, D . D . || In this volum e, D r. Steel stoutly and tren ch an tly criticises “ T h e M od - ||

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