King's Business - 1922-05

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No one can ever thoroughly under­ stand all of the New Testament and its correct teaching without understanding the types ana symbolic foreshadow­ ings found in the Old Testament. Dr. Riley takes up the principal types and shows their full significance in a very clear, yet exceedingly simple way. Every Christian who desires to know his Bible should have this helpful book. Papers—Price 40c

The typical teaching of the Tabernacle in the wilderness continues a fascination to the Bible student. It little matters how much is written, there is constant demand for more. Mr. Hottel is a teacher deeply taught in the Word and is peculiarly gifted in the impartation of the same. These studies are remarkable for the analytical matter and will be highly prized by Bible students everywhere. Price 75c

Commentary on the Book of Revelation By R. Govett

T h e b o o k o f R evelation is expou n d ed , verse b y verse, in a m ost h elp ­ ful and inspiring m ann er from the Futurist standpoint. T h is is a b o o k to bev reck on ed w ith, and n o t lightly to b e p u t on o n e side. E v ery m inister and clerg ym an ou gh t to have this am on gst his b ook s, fo r it is full o f su g­ gestions, an d o v erflow in g w ith m atter fo r B ible R eadings. T his b o o k is a com m en tary on the R evelation w ith ou t a peer, o f all p ossible b o o k s fo r the last days. W e k n ow n o n e m o re n eeded, m ore urgent, o r m o re vital. W e w ou ld heartily recom m en d all students o f S crip tu re to obtain Price $2.50 The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Introduction by Dr. R. A. Torrey this volum e. Notes on the Pentateuch By C. H. McIntosh

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This is the one book about which Dr. Torr£y says: "If it should ever so hap­ pen that I was compelled to limit my library to two books, 1 should choose my Bible and The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, for from these alone I would be enabled to work out all the Bible studies I should ever be called upon to give, and all the sermons I could ever preach." This book contains 300,000 Scripture references and parallel passages —in other words it contains every refer­ ence to every verse in every chapter in each and every book of the Bible. Price, Cloth, $3.50

The Gospel in Genesis...............................25c The Gospel in Exodus...............................35c The Gospel in Leviticus........................... 50c By Eleanor Herr Boyd

T h ese b o o k s a re p rep ared esp ecially fo r B ible Class use. E ach lesson clearly taught, fu lly taught, co rre ctly taught. T h e y c om e nearer su pp lyin g the B ible C lass teach er w ith lesson s fu lly p rep ared than an y oth er b ook s. If y o u w ish to get the right start in y o u r stu d y o r teaching, get these b ook s. If b o o k s are to c om e b y mail add 1 0% fo r p ostage. If m on ey d oes n o t a ccom p a n y ord e r g o o d s w ill b e sen t C . O . D., unless oth erw ise specified. Biola Book Room, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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