King's Business - 1922-05


Best Books on Bible History and Geography m rand - hgnahy bible a m Maps, Plans, Charts, Diagrams, Views By J. L. H u rlbut, D . D . In trodu ction b y J. H . V in cen t, D . D . T h e dram atic stories o f the O ld T estam en t an d the beautiful narrative o f the N ew , as h ere retold and illustrated b y b oth m aps and pictures, m ake a m anual o f bib lical g e o g ra p h y and history o f great interest and value to the students and teachers o f the Bible. T h e re are fifty-th ree larg e inter­ esting view s o f the B ible lands, it cities, and p e o p le , w h ile the m aps alone, sixty-seven in num ber, m ake the v olum e desirable. T h e b o o k contains a com p le te index, m akin g in all a volum e o f 158 Size 1Ox 12 inches.. pages. B inding, C loth , w eigh t 4 4 o z ................................... .................................................. $ 3 .5 0 Orientalisms in Bible Lands By Edwin Wilbur Rice The Orient in Bible Times By Elihu Grant Prof, of Biblical Literature, Haverford College.

This book gives light from customs, habits, manners, imagery, thought, and life in the East for Bible students. In this second edition the author has added information relating to the r“ father” of the family, marriage customs, divorce, naming the children, the rite^ of circum-. cision, significance of “ choice morsel” and “ sop" at feasts, guarding wells and springs, disuse of reed pens, and other interesting facts, helpful to students and readers of the Scriptures. Ornamented covers .............—........... $1.25 The Historical Geography of the Holy Land “ No one has ever before embodied all this variety of material to illustrate the whole subject. His geographical state­ ments are pen pictures. Without doubt, the standard work, indispensable to the thoroughgoing Bible student.” Price $6.00 Atlas of the Historical Geography of the Holy Land “This is truly the last word of today in Bible Atlases. The name of the dis­ tinguished editor, long known as the first of authorities in historical geography of Bible lands, raises the greatest expecta­ tions of thoroughness and accuracy, which are not disappointed.*’ Price $10.00

This is the biblical gift book of the year for Bible readers of every denom­ ination. It is a fascinating and histor­ ically accurate panorama of the Orient world, its peoples* civilizations, and his­ tory, during Bible times. Bible reading and study with this volume at hand for reference, becomes more intensely^ human and interesting. It is an essential vol­ ume in any small select biblical library. 30 illustration's, and a map. Library binding. Octavo. $2.50 A Manual of Bible History In connection with the general history of the world. By Rev. W. G. Blaikie A book of rare excellence. Within its five hundred pages the whole course of Bible history is analyzed, delineated, and explained with remarkable intelli­ gence, judgment, and literary skill. Price $1.75 Biblical History andGeography By H. S. Osborn, LL. D. Dividing the Old Testament into six periods the work takes up the prominent events and comments on them, making . the chronological and historical points perfectly clear, giving three chapters at the close to the canonizing of the Scrip­ tures and the origin of the Talmud. The last three hundred pages do the same work for the New Testament. The book is admirably Adapted for use in °lble Classes. Price $1.25

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