King's Business - 1922-05

sw m m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK n iiim iiiiM iu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii'iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiu niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiM iiiiiim iiiiiiiiiim m ii = ^t4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiituiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJi«iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiia niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iuim iiiiiiH >iiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinim iiiiin u = I Fourth Annual Convention I Christian Fundamentals Association LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA JUNE 25th to JULY 2nd A t a recen t m eetin g in C h ica g o, o f the E xecu tive C om m ittee o f the || Christian Fundam entals A ssocia tion , it w as d ecid ed w ise to a cce p t the 11 hearty invitation exten ded b y the S outhern C aliforn ia P re-M illennial || A sso cia tio n to h old in the L os A n g e le s B ible Institute A u d itorium , L os|| A n g eles, C alif., the F ou rth A n n u al C on v en tion o f the Christian Funda- || m entals M ovem en t. M any excellen t and ad equ ate reason s entered in to || this d ecision , ch ie f am o n g w h ich w ere these tw o : nam ely, C aliforn ia desires . |li­ the C on ven tion and the B ible Institute ca n m ost splendidly entertain i t ; ' || and se co n d , it is pu ttin g the m ovem en t across the con tin en t in fo u r years— | P hiladelphia, C h ica g o, D en ver and L os A n g eles. | In fo u r sh ort years, the phrases “ fundam entals o f C hristianity” , “ the | fundam entals o f o u r faith” , etc., have lo om e d larg er on the prin ted p a g e | than an y single g ro u p o f w ord s used in the Christian en d eavors o f the || Tw en tieth C entury. R ecen tly a sp eaker b e fo re the m inisters o f G reater || B oston, d ecla red “ W h eth er w e lik e it o r not, the Fundam entalists have jj d riven a w e d g e to the heart o f every denom ination in A m e rica .” A b o u t | the sam e date a U nitarian o c cu p y in g an ev an gelical pu lpit in Seattle, | berated the m ovem en t and w arn ed the p e o p le against it; w h ile in p ra c- § tically every o n e o f the la rg er cities o f A m e rica , d en om inational an d in ter- | den om in ation al gatherings alike have b een listening to discu ssion s p ro and § con , o f “ the fundam entals’ * o f the C hristian faith. T h e friends and m em bers o f this M ovem en t th rou g h ou t the co u n try || realize that o u r w o rk is on ly w ell begu n . E ach o f the three C on ven tion s || n o w re co rd e d in h istory has had a definite o b je ctiv e . P hiladelphia b ro u g h t || togeth er the con servative fo rce s o f evan gelical d en om in ation s and w eld ed || them into o n e b o d y . C h ica g o revealed the stren gth o f their n um bers and || b rou g h t them to a realization o f their p o w ir . D en ver d rew the lin e || b etw een truth and e rro r an d sh ow ed the con flict to b e an irrep ressible || on e. L os A n g e le s w ill m o re clearly p o in t the w ays o f con q u est in this— || the greatest co n trov ersy o f the cen tu ry. 11 Fundam entalist leaders in the v ariou s denom inations have b een | b rou g h t to see clearly the existen ce o f infidelity in high p la ce s; to d ecid e | definitely that to save their d en om in a tion s' from destru ction, it w ill have | to b e d islodged, and ev ery n ation al C on v en tion o f 1922 w ill ring w ith d e- | ba te ab ou t the A u th o rity o f the B ook , the D eity o f Christ, the E ffectiveness | o f the C ross, an d the p u rg in g o f infidelity from p rofessorsh ip s, p ulpits and | the prin ted page. W e w rite, at this time, b oth to call the attention o f the con servative ¡¡j clans to the com in g C on v en tion and to ask a united en d eavor in m akin g || the L os A n g e le s m eetin g the m ost effectiv e o f the fou r. || W . B. RILEY . 11

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