King's Business - 1922-05

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


founder of the Young Men’s Christian Association. When presiding at an im­ portant meeting in his later life, he said with unusual fervor: “ This I will say, that we must stand steadfastly by the great principles of holding the Word of God to be indispensable as the basis, the middle, and the end of all our edu­ cation. If, in the least degree, to the extent of a hair’s breadth, you depart from that principle, you may remove me out of. this chair, and find some other man to sit in it, for whilst I draw my feeble breath never shall you see me in your presence again.” The whole Christian world must be summoned to this crusade. The flag of God’s love and of the redemption of mankind only through Jesus Christ must be unfurled so that all may see and understand. The great army of those who love their Lord must be called to move forward in honoring and pro­ claiming His Word. THE POWER BEHIND THE BOOK Dr. E. Y. Mullins has said: “ The Scriptures speak with authority, as does no other literature in the world. This authoritative note which rings so clear in the Bible is not due to anything external to itself. No court made it au­ thoritative by decree. No church coun­ cil made it so by decision. No pope made it so by hurling anathemas at those who denied it. The early church council in the second, third and fourth centuries did not make the Bible au­ thoritative. They simply recognized the authority of the book itself. The canon of Scripture under God took care of it­ self. It was inevitable that this dynamic and mighty literature would come together in a vital and organic unity since it was all created by one common life and power of God. Behind this suf­ ficiency and authoritativeness of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testa­ ments is their inspiration.”

A clear, loud, prolonged call must go forth to the nation to return to the Bible,— to Bible truth and to Bible faith. All the best things in our civili­ zation we owe to the Bible. “ Destroy this volume,” said Dr. Payson, “ and you will take from us at once everything that prevents existence from becoming of all curses the greatest.” “ For more than a thousand years,” says Coleridge, “ the Bible, collectively taken, has gone hand in hand with civilization, science, law; in short, with moral and intellec­ tual cultivation of the species, always supporting and leading the way.” Knowing this to be true we are con­ fronted by the fact that every little while some dilletante educator or super­ ficial writer pussyfoots into public view with a self-made remedy for the world’s woes, having as much efficacy as a baby’s fingers would have in holding back a cyclone. Amid the arrogance and self-assump­ tion and colossal self-conceits of the wise of this world, it is a priceless bless­ ing to have the impregnable rock of Holy Scripture on which to rest, for our Lord said: “ The Scriptures cannot be broken." They are all-powerful! “ Is not my Word as fire? saith the Lord, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” They are everlasting! “ Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall never pass away.” Believing this, it is our highest privilege to hold the truth in love aud in a loving spirit to assert our convictions. The present is a time for red-blooded belief, for courage and for fortitude in exalting and pro­ claiming the infallible and indestructi­ ble Word of the Living God. Every part of our nation and the world needs men who will stand in the strength of God for the Divine authority of the Bible in obedience to the teaching of which lies the only hope of mankind. The hour calls for men with iron in their blood, who will stand for the Word of God as did Sir George Williams, the

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