T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
The great German physiologist, Vir chow, who at an early age looked with favor on the theories of Darwin, later repudiated them completely, while Dar win’s associate, Alfred Russell Wallace, who was almost equally responsible for advancing the theory of evolution, modi fied his views in later years to exclude man from the operation of the theory as well as in other respects. Lord Kelvin, probably the most famous man of science in England, during the last generation, repeatedly expressed his dis sent from the theory of evolution, his opinions being shared to a considerable extent by Sir Oliver Lodge and other leading contemporaries. Sir George' Mivart, the great English naturalist, said of Darwin’s theory— “ I cannot call it anything but a puerile hypothesis.” The Darwinian theory has at no time had any wide currency among the sci entists of France, while in America Louis Agassiz, J. W. Dawson, Prof. Dana, Prof. Shaler, Prof. J. F. Wright and other leading men in this sphere have held consistently to the view of a universe created and under the control of a Divine intelligence. We may say, in general terms, that the breakdown of evolution occurred at two points: First, the theory could not be consistently held without proof of the universal operation of the evolutionary principle in the natural world, and this proof has been entirely lacking. As a result of years of research, between two and three millions of forms of vegetable and animal life have been carefully classified, but the attempt to establish even a single instance of transition from one form to another by natural selection has signally failed. Second, the argu ment that such a transition requires an infinite period of time has been met by pointing to the fields of geology where, out of millions of specimens gathered in all parts of the world, the attempt to find a single connecting link has failed. No less an authority than Dr. Ether
idge, curator of the Fossil Department of the British Museum, has declared that within the walls of that great museum there is not a single specimen establishing the theory of evolution, and that, in fact, the evidence points the other way. a » 4» SUMMER. BIBLE CONFERENCE Following the Fundamentals Confer ence, announced on last page, the regu lar Summer Bible Conference under the auspices of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, will be held. As the Christian Fundamentals Con vention closes on Sunday, July 2, a recess will be taken over Monday and Tuesday, (Tuesday being the Fourth) the opening sessions of the Bible Con ference being held on Wednesday, July fifth. An exceptionally strong program is being arranged for this occasion. It is expected that the Bible Women’s De partment of the institute will have charge of the morning sessions, as here tofore, and in the afternoon and even ings such speakers will be heard as Dr. W. P. White, Dr. Cortland Myers, Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Dr. David R. Breed, Dr. Frederic W. Farr, Dr. J. Hudson Ballard, Dr. Robert A. Hadden, and others. Detailed program will be published later, but we are making this prelim inary announcement that you may be making your plans for the month of July. SOMETHING, OR EVERYTHING R. C. Chapman was once asked, “ Would you not advise young converts to do something for the Master?” “No,” replied the veteran; “ I would urge young Christians to do everything for the Master.” “Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31),
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