King's Business - 1922-05


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S were much touched with the beautiful spirit manifested in it. Here was a man “ dwelling with the King for His work,” a man whose.heart was opened to the leading of the Holy Spirit; a~man who was willing to sacrifice his own comfort that another might be prepared to do God’s work; a man who was will­ ing to use his money in whatever way the Lord should direct, whether to sup­ port a woman or a man, and God led him to send the money just at the right time. When it came we had no hesi­ tancy in deciding for whom it should be used— of course, it was God’s gift for this young woman. Now she can finish her few months in the prejparatory de­ partment, and then will be able to take up the studies of the regular Bible School course. And so God ever guides those who “ dwell with Him for His work." We would ask your earnest prayers for this kind donor who is working for the Chinese on the Pacific Coast. He has 1500 names of Chinese on his mail­ ing list and sends them tracts, Testa­ ments and Bibles as the Lord prospers him. In writing to us he said, “ I am only a waiter in a restaurant,” but how insignificant are the details of the ser­ vice so long as the work 4s being done for the King. Then pray for this Mrs. Cheo that she may ever live in the spirit of her prayer, and for the students of the Bible Institute here with its fifty-six men and twenty-six women, some of them with just as great needs as this woman of whom I have written. E. Elizabeth Keller. THE PROPHET What is the message the prophet of old Proclaimed to men ages ago? Nuggets of truth far more precious than gold; Whether of joy or of woe. Men who were prophets ne’er tarried to ask Ifi their message pleased peasant or king; Each was a mouth-piece—-theirs oft the task Of saying the unpleasant thing.

All hail to the men in the records of old Who counted not life to be dear; Who faithfully stood, unselfish and bold, And voiced Divine will without fear. The men who alone faced the enemy’s darts, And shouted a “ Thus saith the Lord!” Who mightily probed into sin-hardened hearts With the Spirit’s keen two-edged Sword. The hidden events in the years far ahead, These messengers often foretold; They also forth-told what Jehovah hath said, And spared not the young nor the old. Nations have risen and then have de-' dined; In time all their glory has paled: Time never changes the Great Master Mind; God’s prophecies never have failed. God give us men who will voice what is RIGHT, True to their Master’s behest! Life is made up of the dark and the bright, Blended as He knoweth best. God give us men in the pulpit and pew, Men of a sturdy backbone; Such as will “ trim” not, for many nor few; Standing, if need be, alone. But no man of God needs a juniper tree To hear a complaint nor a wail; The Almighty Presence has promised to be With him, and He never will fail. — Edgar T. Corfield. . Montrose, Pa.

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