King's Business - 1922-05


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

the Sunday School, and church ser­ vices.” She is constantly testifying that the old life was not worth living, but both she and her husband are find­ ing such a joy in the new life. Surely the Gospel is the power of God in these lives. SHOP WORK M arion H . R eyn old s, Superintendent Th irty-tw o meetings are being held each week in the various shops, fa c­ tories, car-barns and engine houses of the city, in addition to which the superintend­ ent o f the work visits many of the men in their homes. H E are often asked by those who are interested in the work, “ How do the men re­ ceive you and what attitude do they take to your mes­ sage?” We can best answer this ques­ tion by relating what happened at one of the shops where we go. About three years ago work was started In this field among some two hundred men. Naturally enough the first few meetings were well-attended, but as the Word was preached from week to week, we noticed that without a question of doubt the Word of God was separating men. Those who would hot listen to the truth lost interest and some of them became antagonistic to the message. On the other hand, men who listened and drank in the message, became more and more interested and, as they heard, not a few of them ac­ cepted Jesus as their own Saviour. As the months passed, we realized that a bigger effort ought, to be put forward in order to reach the uninterested ones. So when those who were interested asked that we prepare a series of mes­ sages dealing with the signs of the times and -present day problems, .we did so,, and what has been the result? Al­ most to a man, the whole shop has ral­ lied around us and today we are reach.- ing three times as many men in this field as we ever did before. What is their attitude and how do they receive us?’ Just this way—with a consciousness that we have a message from God, out of the printed Word, for them, and even though it does deal with them in their sin, it is the power of ¡God unto salvation to every one that believes it. So we press on, looking up into His face that He might be able to, guide us with His eye. Bear us up that we may be faithful to Him at all times. Con­ stantly do we need His wisdom,.

BIOLA HALL WORK D avid Cant, Superintendent

Our City Mission fo r men, situated in the center of -the city. Meetings are held from 10:00 o’clock in the morning until 10:00 o’clock at night, including a Noon­ day Business Men’s Prayer Meeting and personal work. Hundreds of men are reached here every day. LTHOUGH we are conscious, in these perilous timeSj that the spirit of lawlessness is working in the hearts of unre­ generate men; that antagon­ ism and opposition to the Gospel of the grace of God are becoming increasingly open and defiant; that ungodly men are waxing worse and worse and will not endure sound doctrine,Ifeyet, not­ withstanding all this (and much more), we are conscious, also, that God is working mightily in the salvation of souls, as well as clearing away much rubbish in the lives of those who are professing Christians. There is a deep­ ening desire for a Spirit-filled life, a hunger and love for souls and the put­ ting forth of individual and group ef­ fort to save some. The “ midnight cry” has gofie forth and the virgins are trim­ ming their lamps. Some Good Evidences Quite recently we were deploring the fact of present-day ministry being largely tearless and prayerless; but a change is coming and surely His great heart is gladdened as well as our own, as we look around Bibla Hall in these days and see men in deep, earnest con­ versation, entirely unmindful of others; some standing on the side walk, curb­ stone, in the doorway, all opening the Scriptures and presenting a crucified and risen Christ as the object of faith; to see men on their knees and witness the “ great change” come over them! If all this thrills our hearts, what must it mean to Him! “ And all through the mountains, thunder riven And up from the rocky steeps, There arose a cry to the gates of heaven Rejoice, I have found my sheep! And the angels echo around the throne Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!” A Remarkable Conversion One notable case is of a prosperous business man who celebrated Lincoln’s birthday by turning God’s temple into a booze hole and came leering and stag-

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