King's Business - 1922-05

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Particularlyof Interest toFriendsandStudents

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broken-hearted over the indifference and blindness of people, especially young men and young women o f the high school age. The Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save; neither H is ear heavy that it cannot hear, but it is the aw fulness of sin, sin in the lives that have heard Of the Gospel but prefer their sin. W e lon g for your prayers for us both, for we need much prayer." Fred Groth, '18, writes of some interest­ ing experiences in his Sunday school work in Washington. He tells o f one boy a l­ most thirteen years of age, who made inquiries about Jesus Christ saying, “What is this I have heard so much about the last^ few days? I have heard the boys poking fun at those two words, Jesus and Christ, but I never knew they meant a person." Mr. Groth states that there are 493,000 children in the state of Washington who do not attend Sunday schools and ap­ proximately 27,000,000 children in the United States who have a fear of entering a Sunday school or an under-rated estima­ tion o f the same. Reg. Powell, student o f 1920-21, is very happy in his w ork w ith the San Pedro Mission to the Indians o f Argentina and Bolivia. He is at present in Jujuy of Jujuy, the most northerly province of Argentina, concentrating on the language, and asks the prayers o f the friends that the Lord w ill guide him very definitely when he is ready for a station o f his own, which w ill be about May or June. There are so many needy and open places both in Jujuy and in Bolivia. Miss Juanita Browne left Los Angeles February 11th, for Lima, Peru, to work under the Scotch Presbyterian Mission. Miss Zarra Hoon, ’21, sailed from New Y ork on December 19th, for Sialkot, India, where she w ill w ork under the United Presbyterian Board. Miss Leila Jamison, ’21, who is to labor among the Jews in Palestine, was with her as far as Port Said, and they report a delightful trip. Miss Margaret Haines, ’21, sailed from New York, December 24th, to w ork in Fateppur, Haswa, TJ. P., India, under the Women’s Union Missionary Board. James Bird writes from Sydney, Aus­ tralia, on his way to bid farewell to his people before taking up w ork under the China Inland Mission. He expected to arrive in China the beginning o f March; He had had the privilege of speaking several times since landing in Australia. James Ker writes from Satyamangalam, South India: “ I am a regular old Indian missionary now having been in Satyaman­ galam just tw o months. What a lot one can learn in a short time. The possi­ bilities that lie before a man who accepts Christ here are wonderful but the cen­ turies o f heathendom behind him make it hard for him to get certain things out o f his blood. Oh, the palpable need of Jesus Christ! And yet the absolute in­ difference of the people to all that is en­ nobling! But oh, how precious is Jesus

STUDENTS—Kindly communicate with Miss Elfreda Stein, B. I. the compiler o f these notes.

The students of the Bible Institute have asked that a day of fasting: and prayer be observed monthly. February 22nd was given over to this purpose and God blessed in a very wonderful way. The Student Volunteers have been doing deputation w ork this term, the teams hav­ ing responded to six calls in and about 'the city. In some places they took charge o f the evening meeting, giving a m ission­ ary program. In others they gave a talk on some mission topic to the young people. In this way they hope to do a bit for missions and to arouse a deeper interest in the Lord's great, needy harvest field. Dr. A. C. Dixon has accepted the regular pastorate of the University Baptist Church at Baltimore. He had been preaching to the church temporarily. The church is a Baptist effort to reach the University students hard by. Miss Thakla Lang, '21, was united in marriage to Mr. Clifford R. Luther, on Tuesday, February 20th, at Turlock, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Polman (nee Leila Neher, ’20) announce the arrival of Gerald Bernard, February 22nd. February 18th, Mr. Hugh Andrews met w ith a very serious accident while at work upon a building in Los Angeles. His life was at first despaired of but he is now slow ly recovering. Harlow Parsons, '15, has accepted a temporary pastorate at Franklin, N. Y., serving a consolidated Congregational- Éaptist Church, standing firmly, as al­ ways, upon the old Book. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W . Rush, '18, have been at Pòrtis, Kafisas, as shepherds over a flock of God’s people for about a year. They find the best results in definite Bible teaching, in the church, and out in the country.* A t one of the classes fourteen confessed Christ as S’avior from sin in the first five sessions of the class. The Lord Is w onderfully blessing the work. G. M. Baergen, '21, Superintendent of the Mennonite Memorial Mission, Altoona, Pa., w rites: “ The Lord has blessed us w on­ derfully in this new year. To His honor we can say that 25 souls have come to thè Lord since January 1. W e have just organized this mission station into an organized congregation. Something like 40 members have become charter members. Our wish and request for prayer is that God shall continue to bless and lead us by H is m ighty power." Jay L. Emrich, '20, w rites from Long Pine, Nebraska: “I am learning to be

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