King's Business - 1922-05

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S ones around the Lord’s Table that eventful night before His crucifixion. Pity those who are careless about the Lord’s earnest appeal, “ Do this in re­ membrance of me.” Such a loving call from a loving Lord, seeking fellowship with His own! PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Jehovah commanded the com­ memoration of the feasts for the good of Israel. (2) House-cleaning is a healthy habit. Most Christians and churches need it, C3) Only a sacrificial blood-offering will satisfy the demands of a righteous God. (4) God’s order is simple: Confess your sins. Consecrate your all. Com­ mit your ways. Count upon Him to supply your needs. (5) Christ is the Passover for the Church. He is the once-for-all offering. (6) Christ designed the communion table to make the most lasting impres­ sion upon the heart-lives of His own. (7) Give a call to your class for a life of closer fellowship with Christ. He sent to all Israel and Judah, and a very significant line follows: “ and wrote let­ ters also to Ephraim and Manasseh.” COMMENTS FROM e ^ ^ o r t h em MANY SOURCES k i n g d om in Keith L. Brooks eluded, he would .. H | forget all separa­ tions and boundaries, he would weld to­ gether into one sacred consolidation the whole family of Israel. If anything can overcome littleness,, bitterness and bigo­ try, it is a great Pentecostal enthusiasm. Are we still but constables of orthodoxy and not the preachers of the great re­ demption?— People’s Bible. To keiep the Passover. The Passover is put for­ ward as the heart of true worship ( 1 Cor. 5:7, 8). There can be no true ref­ ormation unless the atonement is made the center of it. It revealed a deep discernment on the part of Hezekiah of the m e tin g of the Mosaic system and of redemption, when he put the Passover forward as the essential of worship to v. 1. Hezekiah wrote letters.


Jehovah. Whoever understands the Passover understands God’s way of sal­ vation (Ex. 12:13-23; Rom. 3:25, 26: IlMi * :29)- There is great need in the churches today that there be a reforma­ tion that gives to the blood of our Pass- over its proper place.— Torrey. v. 2. In the second month. As the proper month for observing it had gone, rather than miss the whole year the king and his psople resolved to observe their annual festival in the second month as provided in Num. 9:10 11__ Meyer. v. 3. Priests had not sanctified them­ selves. This lack of fitness on the part of the priests is of spiritual moment as indicating the necessity of personal holi­ ness on the part of those who engage in any service for the Lord. What was ceremonial to them is actual to us, who, by virtue of the precious blood of Christ, are called to spiritual priesthood. Many Christians, like the priests, are unusable because unsanctified.— Holden. v. 7. Be not like your fathers. Men love to be like their fathers and fellow mien. It wounds our pride to be forced to acknowledge that our fathers were all wrong. It is this that makes it so hard for the heathen to renounce their heathenism, and the Roman Catholics to renounce their Romanism. If our fathers were wrong that is no reason why we should follow in their steps. The appeal to antiquity often leads men into a bog because it is not carried back far enough. The fathers may lead astray but if the antiquity to which we appeal is that of which the New Testament is the record, the more conservative we are the nearer the truth we shall be.— Sel. v. 8. Be not stiffnecked. A danger­ ous disease (Prov. 29:1).— Sel. The thought is derived from the rebellious ox refusing to yield his neck to the yoke. Grant. There is in the carnal mind an obstinacy, an inaptness to com­ ply with God. We have it from our fathers, it is bred in the bone with us. This must be conquered. The will that had in it a spirit of contradiction must be melted into the will of God.— Henry Field yourselves. The grace of God can meet us in the greatest possible weak­ ness if only it is felt and confessed. His wrath may turn away. Through the play of criminal ambition, cruelty and earthly politics the unseen wrought in Inflicting judgment. In deepest truth it applies to us today, for if we trespass against God we draw down evil on our

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