King's Business - 1922-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Outline: ( 1 ) ' The Providential Discovery of the Book, vs. 14-17. (2) The Priest and the King Attest the Validity of the Book, vs. 18, 19. „(3) The People and the King Cove­ nant to Obey the Book, vs. 29-33. Theme: A Religious Revival in Jeru­ salem. Introduction: Hezeklah had been gathered to his fathers— a good king, with a good record. His son Man- LESSON asseh, succeeded him EXPOSITION and followed the ex- T. C. Horton ample of many wicked sons in undoing all he could of his father’s righteous reign. He was one of the worst of the many wicked kings. God punished him through the king of Assyria, who car­ ried him captive to Babylon, where in captivity he learned, some needed les­ sons, and through contrition and con­ fession to Jehovah he was restored to the, throne of his people. His son, Amon, succeeded him and followed the example of his father’s early reign, and was so wicked and un­ godly that his own servants put him to death (2 Ki. 21:23, 24); and his son, Josiah, was placed upon the throne at the age of eight years. His reign was righteous. (1) THE PROVIDENTIAL , DISCOV­ ERY, vs. 14-17. . Ihe young king Josiah began his reign right. He began with a house­ cleaning. Nationally by purging Jeru­ salem and Judah of the high places, groves, carved images and molten im­ ages. Then he took up the repairing of the temple. Note the order: He sought God. Next, sought to break down idol worship; and then, to make the house of God fit for worship. We need to imitate the work


of this good king in our country today, only changing the order a little. First, wait upon God. Second, clean up the church. Third, weed out the'false cults. The king took a collection from the - people and the keepers of the doors were so honest that he did not demand an accounting. (2 Ki. 22:7) “ H ow b eit there w as n o re ck o n in g m ade w ith them o f the m on ey that w a s d eliver­ ed in to th eir hands becau se th ey dealt fa ith fu lly .” The collection was stored in some con­ venient room in the temple and when the funds were taken out they found, hidden away, the Book of the Law of the Lord given by Moses (Deut. 31: 24-26) “ A nd it cam e to pass w h en M oses had m ade an end o f w ritin g the w ord s o f this la w in a b ook , u n til th ey w ere finished, that M oses comm anded the jLevites w h ich bare the a rk o f the cov en an t o f the L ord, sayin g, T a k e th is b o o k o f the la w and put it in the side o f th e a rk o f the co v e ­ nant o f the L ord y o u r God that it m ay be there fo r a w itn ess a g ain st th ee.” We are not told who hid it away, but we do know that a prescribed place had been appointed for it in the side of the ark of the covenant. The place for God’s Word is in the -house of God, and in the hearts of His people, and should be lived out in their daily life (Psa. 119:11) “ T h y w ord have I hid in m ine heart that I m igh t n ot sin again st thee.” It belongs in the church but, alas, it is often not found there. It belongs in our schools, but is seldom permitted there. Only a small portion of the chil­ dren in one of the schools of New York City had never heard of the Ten Com­ mandments (Prov. 29:18) “ W h ere there is n o v ision the people perish.” There is something tremendously solemn in this lesson. How could such a people, God’s own people, forget God? Wait a minute! How can a people such as we are in America forget His Word, follow fables and be faithless to His commands?, (2) THE PRIEST AND THE KING, vs. 18, 19.

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