King's Business - 1922-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S await us in the glory (1 Cor. 2:10) “ B ut G od hath revealed them u n to us b y H is Spirit, fo r the S pirit search eth a ll th in g s, y ea, the deep th in g s o f God.” He gave a spiritual revelation to Paul (Gal. 1:12) “ F o r 1 neith er receiv ed it o f man, neither w a s I ta u g h t it bu t b y the rev ela ­ tion o f Jesu s Christ.” Every child of God can be a revealer of God’s truth concerning His purposes for the church and a lost world. (3) THE PEOPLE AND KING COVE­ NANT TO OBEY, vs. 29-33.. The king was not satisfied with the effort to repair the temple and to know God’s Word himself, but he had a God- given desire that his people might also be established in the truth. So he gath­ ered them, both great and small, and himself read the Word of God to them. What a picture! A broken-hearted, sin- convicted, sin-confessing king, seeking to commit both himself and his people to a covenant with Jehovah! “ He caused them to stand to it.” “ And they did according to the command of God.” What if our President were to call all of his cabinet and the senators and con­ gressmen together and read some pass­ ages of the Scripture to them, such as 1 Tim. 4:1, 2, 6 “ N ow the S pirit sp eaketh ex p ressly that in the la tter tim es som e sh all d epart from the faith , g iv in g heed to sed u cin g spirits and d octrin es o f devils. I f th on p u t th e b re th re n ' in. rem em ­ bran ce o f these th in g s thou sh alt be a g o o d m inister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the w ord s o f fa ith and o f g o o d d o c­ trin e w h ereu n to th ou hast attained.” Would not this be the beginning of a great revival in the study of God’s Holy Word? At the great Peace Conference held in Versailles, when the destiny of the nation was at stake, no delegate opened a Bible; the wisdom of the Word of God was not sought. How different might have been the results had the delegates turned to God’s Word! (Prov. 4:7) “ W isdom is the p rin cip al th in g. T h ere­ fo re , g e t w isdom . A nd w ith a ll th y g e t­ tin g , g e t u n derstan din g.” (Prov. 21:30)


The high priest and the official family of the king brought the Book to the king and read from it. The heart of the king was broken. Why a good king had been so long time indifferent to the loss of the Book we do not know (Deut. 17:18-20) “ I t shall be w h en he sitteth on the throne o f h is k in g d om th at he sh all w rite him a c o p y o f th is la w in a b o o k * * ♦ and it sh a ll be w ith him and he sh all read therein a ll the days o f his life * * * to the end th at he m ay p ro lo n g his days in' his k in g d om .” ; “ The Word of God is quick and pow­ erful” and it was so here. It pierced the soul of the king and he wept. This is a good sign in a king or in a peasant. (Joel 2:13, 14). It would be a good sign in a class if teacher and scholars could be brought to tears sometimes through the reading and study of God’s Word; and it would be well if preachers could cry sometimes over conditions which demand the necessity of giving some of their mes­ sages. The.Word of God was of greater con­ sequence, by far, than the money for the temple. The king sought a prophet to make plain what the judgments of God were which-should come upon Israel for its neglect of the Word of God. In the absence of Jeremiah and Zephaniah, who were the prophets of God at this time, a teacher was found whose name was Huldah and she interpreted the Word of God as some good women do today who are dependent upon the Holy Spirit who is the author of the Bible (vs. 21, 22). The prophets prophesied victory for Jehoshaphat (1 Ki. 22:7) and defeat for Zedekiah (Jer. 21:2), and the prophecy came true. Every student of the Bible, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, will be able to know what the judg­ ments of God are that await a ruined world and an apostate church. He re­ vealed unto Simeon the coming of the Messiah before His advent (Luke 2:26) and He reveals to us the things which

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