King's Business - 1922-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 437 Are the true men and women of the church to lie supinely upon their backs while Satan’s servants bind them hand and foot? Is there not a call from the crucified, glorified Christ to His chosen ones to unsheathe the sword of the Word, stand like stalwart soldiers and smite the traitors to the truth? Is there no appeal to the honest-hearted, faithful followers of our Lord from the hungry-hearted, sin-sick, perishing people who—without God and without hope—are heading hellward as fast as feet can carry them? Who among us will rally to the standard ; stand the test; raise our voices in testimony, and by lip and life challenge the charlatans who are toying and trifling with the most sacred things in human life and seeking to de­ stroy the foundations of our faith and the very fabric of our beloved country ? —T. C. H. THE BIBLE-LESS BROTHERHOOD . The membership in this club is constantly increasing, and the Congre­ gational Church seems to carry the honors, so far as members are concerned. Every few days one of the ecclesiastical eggs spawned in the seminaries breaks the shell and out pops a freshly feathered specimen of the black brood and immediately commences to cackle a Bible-less cackle. There is nothing new about these birds, except that they are beginning to roost in so-called orthodox churches and pull off stunts in the pulpit instead of in the cock-pit, where they belong. Here are a Couple of specimens,—one named Lockwood, hailing from Butte, Montana, the other named Hawkins and occupying the Plymouth Congregational Church in Seattle, Washington. Mr. Lockwood denies the Bible, in toto, for he denies the miraculous in God’s Word. A Butte paper speaks in glowing terms of this startling sky­ rocket and assures its readers that the “ Home Missionary Society of the Congregational Church decided that he should retain his church, free from interferences from other denominations.” I We would not have taken the space to call attention to this specimen of the product of the Chicago University were it not that he only represents one bird of a brood for the support of whom honest church people are com­ pelled to give their money. He is a Unitarian, of course, but why pose as a preacher of the Gospel ? The Butte paper in our possession quotes him as saying: “ The God of\ the early Jews demanded sacrifice. As the nation developed the higher attributes their conception of God reflected the advance. God ceased to demand human sacrifice, became content with a sheep or a ram, and later ceased to demand any blood sacrifice whatever.” In a Seattle paper we find the following utterance from Mr. Hawkins: “ Blood sacrifice is a common idea amiong primitive people. The early Jews believed that the death of Christ was a price paid to an angry God to buy him off that he might not show vengeance on his sinful people. A modern study of the Bible, has clearly shown that Jesus never set forth any theory of blood atonement, but everywhere he emphasized the fact that man ought to be right with God by living right lives.” In this statement Mr. Hawkins practically calls our Lord a liar. A great gathering of ministers and laymen held a protest meeting, and the

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