King's Business - 1922-05

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


sometimes death. It takes courage to be a good soldier. They can not do just the things that are easy and pleas­ ant, for duty calls them to face many hard things. Prayer.

pie. Were all the prophets true to their high office? Who brought the charge against Jeremiah? PRACTICAL QUESTIONS Has the Creator a right to rebuke rulers? Ought God to have a human channel through whom to speak? Ought not men to listen to God’s prophets? Have governmental rulers a right to kill a man with a message from God? Did not the priests and prophets bring the accusation against Jeremiah? Would not some ministers and priests today recommend to the government that some outspoken preacher be punished for his harsh statements of truth? Do not the false prophets of Christian Science and Russellism, Theosophy and Spiritism, seek to suppress the true Word of God at every opportunity? What was the cure for national troubles set forth by Jeremiah? Ys. 13. Does man’s heart attitude toward God affect his circumstances? In what two ways did Jehoiakim try to annul God’s message? First, by doing away with the written Word; and second, by doing away with the spoken Word. He was a master Higher-critic. .$¡ 4 . The Story Of A Brave Prophet. Jere­ miah 26. Memory Verse.— “ Obey the voice of the Lord.” Jer. 26:13. Approach.— Boys and girls, how many of you like to watch the soldiers as they ' march or drill? Yes, we all like to watch them in their pretty uniforms as they march along BEGINNERS with their heads - AND PRIMARY up and shoulders Mabel L. Merrill thrown back, and all keeping step. -What is it about soldiers that we like? They are brave and ready to de­ fend their country whenever the call^ comes to them. They are quick to obey all orders, even though many i times it means facing great danger and

Lesson Story.—Who will tell us about a lost Bible and how it was found? What a wonderful time it was when the Bible was found and the king and the people heard the words of God as the Bible was read. Even though the people came to the temple and obey­ ed the command of the king, they did not truly love God, for in their hearts they still trusted in their idols. God loved His people and was grieved when they did not love and worship Him in their hearts, and He sent one of His prophets to warn them. The prophet’s name was Jeremiah, and he knew how hard it. would be to go to the people and tell them of their sin, and the pun­ ishment God was going to send upon them. The king over the people at this time did not love God or obey His word, but Jeremiah was a brave, true soldier who loved God and did all that God asked him to do. Jeremiah told the people of God’s goodness in bringing them up out of the land of Egypt by His mighty power, and giving them the good land where they were now living; he told them they had not even thanked God for this, neither had they obeyed any of His commandments. Jeremiah then told them how God had seen all their wickedness and sin, and was angry with them. Yet if they would turn from their evil ways he would forgive them and keep back the punishments which were coming upon them. But the people would not hear what the prophet said. They all went on in their wickedness, and sinned more and more. While Jeremiah was yet speaking to them, they were planning how they might kill him, but God saved Jeremiah out of their hands. You know as we have listened to this story, it sounds dreadful to think people were so

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