King's Business - 1922-05

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


rewarded. We are laboring every day under the eyes that inspect all work and search all hearts. We have every in­ ducement to be diligent and faithful. 1 Cor. 3:13-15. WEDNESDAY, May 17. 2 Chron. 34: 14-21. Hilkiah’s Great Discovery. While the repairs on the temple were being made, Hilkiah the high priest found the book of the law. It -might have been the temple copy which should have been placed in the ark of the covenant. Deut. 31:26. It is hard to see how it could have been lost. Some have supposed that some faithful priest might have concealed it when Ahaz was profaning the temple. Others have sug­ gested that it had remained within the ark and Manasseh had thrown the ark into some one of the many chambers around the temple, 2 Chron. 35:3. Be that as it may, it was a wonderful dis­ covery. They were repairing the tem­ ple when they found it. The discovery was a by-product of a good work. When we are earnestly engaged in promoting some good and worthy cause, many ' great blessings are incidentally obtain­ ed. They that live up to all their light shall have their light increased. To him that hath shall more be given. This book was sufficient recompense for all the toil and cost which the rebuilding of the temple required. THURSDAY, May 18. 2 Chron. 34:22- 28. ~The Message of the Word. When the book was read before the king at his own request, it filled him with alarm. 2 Kings 22:19 makes it evi­ dent that the selection read was from Deut. 28. Josiah rent his clothes in sorrow for the sins of the nation and because of the disasters which the book declared should follow such sins. The king appointed a commission to find some prophet who could interpret the message of the book. Jeremiah and Zephaniah were probably absent from the city. At length Huldah a proph­ etess confirmed the words that had been read concerning judgments to come but told Josiah that it would not come in his day because of his desire to serve God and to lead the nation back to the worship of their fathers. Thus God delights to temper judgment with mercy and postpone the day of doom as long as possible.

teen veres is testimony given to the world-wide empire to be ruled by Jeho­ vah. The reason implied why Israel should undertake this mission of mak­ ing Jehovah known to all people is the inexpressible joy with which His people are filled. The joy of serving and wor­ shipping God is seen in striking con­ trast with the terror and slavery of those who worship idols. A very an­ cient translation of verse 10 is “ Say among the heathen that Jehovah reign- eth from the tree.” This was under­ stood to be a prediction of the power of the cross which was the throne of the Son of’ Man. Justin Martyr accused the Jews of striking these three words from the Psalm. MONDAY, May 15. 2 Chron. 34:1-7 Cleansing the Land. After the death of Hezekiah, his son Manasseh reigned for forty-five years. He was succeeded by his son Amon for two years. Both of these kings were wicked and their reign was marked by failure. Then came Josiah who follow­ ed in the steps of Hezekiah by breaking down the altars of Baal and cleansing Judah and Jerusalem. Sin always de­ files and the first step toward reforma­ tion is therefore cleansing. Since sin had its beginning in heaven, it is nec­ essary that the heavens themselves be purified. Heb. 9:23. Pardon and purification are both provided in salva­ tion. “ Be of sin the double cure, save from wrath and make me pure.” Cleanli­ ness is not next to godliness as the popu­ lar proverb declares, it is a vital and essential part of godliness whether it be moral or physical. Salvation is therefore described in Scripture as a bath. “ Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.” TUESDAY, May 16. 2 Chron. 34:8-13. Repairing the Temple. Keeping the house of God in repair is a mark of piety and the result of a re­ vival. The Scriptures represent God as concerned about the condition of His house, Hag. 1:4, and pleased with that devotion that attends to its mainten­ ance. In this case “ the men did the work faithfully.” Even their names are given and they are immortalized by this simple statement. It was no more than duty, we may say, but it is com­ forting to know that God takes cogni­ zance of all work done for Him and fidelity goes neither unnoticed nor un­

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