King's Business - 1922-05


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Bibles w ith S pecial H elps fo r M inisters, Sunday S ch o o l T each ers, Christian E ndeavor, E p- w orth L eague, and P ersonal W ork ers. M any n um bers con tain the celebrated O x fo rd illustrated cy clo p e d ic co n co rd a n ce an d oth er special helps. 26— B ou rgeois type. Im perial Seal G rain leather, divinity circu it, linen-lined, rou n d corn ers, red un der g old edge, self-p ron ou n cin g , referen ce and a co n co rd a n ce w ith 4 0 ,0 0 0 references. Size 6 x 8 . E legant B ible p a p e r..$ 4 .9 0 self-p ron ou n cin g , con tain in g Standard helps b y m ost learned B ible scholars, revised qu es­ tions an d answ ers and m aps. B ound in Seal G rain leather, divinity circuit, linen lined, red un der gold edges. Size 7x5. India p a p e r....... ............. $ 5 .0 0 S elf­ p ro n o u n cin g , F ren ch seal, divinity circuit, o v erla p p in g cov ers, roun d corn ers, red un der gold edge, head- band and m arker, grained lining. R eferen ces, co n co rd a n ce , d iction a ry and m aps. Size 5|/2X®* Bible p ap er .....................................................................$ 5 .4 0 1-8670— Standard T e a ch e r’s Bible. L o n g P rem ier t y p e , self-p ron ou n cin g , F ren ch M o ro c c o , divin ity circuit, rou n d corn ers, red un der g old edge, extra grained leather, headband and m arker. O x fo rd cy clop ed ia , refer­ ences, d iction a ry and m aps. Size 5 J^ 2 x 8 • B ible p a p e r.............$ 6 .4 0 H -1 3 3 X — M inion 16m o, T e a ch e r’ s Bible. R eferen ces, co n co rd a n ce , B iblical en ­ cy clo p e d ia , Syrian L evant, divinity circu it, red un der g old edge. Size 6 % x 4 % . India p a p e r................$ 7 .2 0 5 2 6— M inion : 16m o, b la ck fa ce type, seal grain leather, divinity circuit, roun d corn ers, red under g old edge. Size 7 } 4 x 5 x % . India p a p er............. $ 3 .6 5 6 2 6— M inion 16m o b la ck fa ce type, e x ­ ce p t sayings o f C hrist w h ich are prin ted in red, divinity circu it, round corn ers, red un der g old edge. Size 7 !/ 2 x 5 x % . India p a p er.............$ 4 .0 0 " Postpaid to any address upon receipt of price. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent O. D. BIBLE INSTITUTE B I O L A B O O K R O O M Los Angeles, California 1000— Jasper type, 1-8170— N utype T e a ch e r’ s Bible.


One Promise of Providence By T. C. HORTON



(Romans 8:28.) HE Book of Romans is the great book on sin and right­ eousness. The eighth chapter is deep with doctrine, heavy

with the atmosphere of a cursed earth, fragrant with the sacrifice of Christ, holy with the presence of the Spirit,-A full of the love of God. The blessings set forth are for all who believe, though some may not know, and others not appreciate them. In this chapter we have the provision which God has made for His children, through Jesus,— the safety of the sons of God. The theme of the chapter is— IN JESUS! Paul has dwelt upon the certainty of sonsliip; the sorrows and sufferings of believers as a prelude to glory; the help of the Holy Spirit in infirmities,— now comes a GLORIOUS PROMISE! “And we know.” Paul has been leading up, step by step, to the point where this verse don- fronts us; there is an ascending scale, from the point “no condemnation.” Here is one of the most stupendous, sweeping statements of the Scriptures Here is light in the dark places of a believer’s life. Here is the antidote for the blues,— the sure-all for desponden­ cy. Here is the optimistic answer to every pessimistic doubt. Here is Chris­ tian comfort amidst every form of dis­ tress and discomfort. Here is a place for faith to rest and look out with calm confidence, assured that the God of all grace will fulfill His Word—?'We know!”

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