King's Business - 1922-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Teachers* Bibles 8 6 7 7— L on g P rem ier type, se lf-p ro n o u n c­ ing, Levant, divinity circu it, red u n ­ der g old edges, rou n d corn ers, »ilk headband and m arker. C a lf lined to edge, silk sew ed. Size 5J/2X8J/2 .......................................................... ....$ 1 1 .9 5 6 1 9 0— F ren ch Seal, divinity circuit, round corn ers, red under gold edges, silk headband and m arker, extra grained lining, m aps in colors, size 5|/^x7J/2 ...........................,.............................. $ 4 .2 0 circuit, (o v e r-la p p in g co v e rs) roun d corn ers, red under g old edges, headband and m arker, grained lining, clea r NU type, size 5J/2X8-—.......... $ 5 .3 2 8 1 7 0 -X — F ren ch Seal, divinity circuit, (o v e r-la p p in g co v e rs ) roun d c o r ­ ners, red un der g old edges, head- band and m arker, grained lining, India p ap er, size 5J/2x8................$ 8 .5 4 circuit, (o v e r-la p p in g co v e rs ) rou n d c o r ­ ners, red under g old edges, headband and m arker, leather lined, size 5J/2X 8 ................................................. -...........$ 6 .6 4 8 1 75 -X — F ren ch Seal, divinity circuit, (o v e r-la p p in g co v e rs) rou n d c o r ­ ners, red un der g old edges, headband and _ m arker, leather lined, India paper, size 5j/£x8 ...........................$ 9 .6 6 N -1 25— B revier type, 16m o, w ith B iblical E n cy clop ed ia, co n co rd a n ce , e t c . F ren ch Seal, divin ity circuit, red u n ­ d er g old edges, size 7J/2x5... ...... $ 4 .7 5 L - 125— F ren ch Seal, divinity circu it, red un der g old edges, B iblical E n c y c lo ­ pedia co n co rd a n ce , etc.-, size 6 % x 4 % ..................S f e ......................... ...$ 4 .3 5 Edition, B ou rgeois type. Sunday S ch o o l T e a ch e r’ s c o m ­ bin ation ...............................................$ 5 .5 0 K.-57— P ictorial H and Bible, w ith Q u es­ tions and answ ers, also m aps, n o n ­ p areil typ e ........................................... $ 1 .5 0 Postpaid to any*address upon receipt of price. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C, O. D. BIBLE INSTITUTE B I O L A B O O K R O O M Los Angeles, California 8 170— F ren ch Seal, divinity 8 1 7 5— F ren ch Seal, divin ity R -1 2 6— R ed L etter


Mark how the believer is to answer every question of unbelief. To every essential question there is a positive reply: As to the past: “We know we were blind.” As to salvation: “We know we have passed.” As to assurance: “We know we dwell in Him, and He in us.” As to resurrection: “ We know that if this earthly house he destroyed, we have a building of God * *. ’ As to the character of the future: “ We know that when He shall ap­ pear, we shall be like Him.” As to present circumstances: “ We know all things work together for good to them that love God.” The humblest believer can laugh at the greatest plrlosopher who has sought — and failed— to find out one of these things. (1) A CONDITIONAL PROMISE: A sweeping statement, a mighty prom­ ise, to a special class— those who are the called, and who choose to be loyal to God. All the forces of God moving in silent majesty in behalf of His own— all moving in swift retribution for them who are opposed to Him. All things are working for the glory of the church; but for the judgment of the world. No neutral forces—they are either good or evil. (2) THE FULNESS OF THE PROM­ ISE: All of the events of life are woven together. All things belong to the believer. (1 Cor. 3:22) “ For all things are yours; whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things pres­ ent, or things to come,— all are yours.” All things are for your sake, (2 Cor. 4:15) “ For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.” Tribulation? (John 16:33)

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